Hi lolinder, welcome to HackerNews. Your comment implies that Stack Overflow isn't currently fun. You are of course well within your rights to make that assertion. However, I find that your comment may be improved by removing any implication that Stack Overflow isn't fun. So I invite you to explain your reasons and maybe consider future improving edits to your post.
I'm surprised that Stack Overflow lasted this long.
I withdrew from there at least 10 years ago due to the 'culture'. I was an early adopter but was soon put off by the nastiness. I had quite a few 'awards' too.
48 here, programming since my early teens and I enjoy contributing to StackOverflow when I can and leaning on it in return for help keeping up with the explosion of 'modern' programming techniques. I'm not too proud to recognize it for the invaluable resource that it is.
StackOverflow is my favorite site that I discovered this year. Its community is incredible. I hope you guys make enough money off of it to stay open for a long time.
Like many developers, I have benefit a lot from Stack Overflow over the years. It has helped me become a better developer and, in answering questions, a better communicator.
I just want to say thanks to Joel for helping make this thing happen and best of luck in whatever is next for you!
"In September 2008, Stack Overflow's public beta went live. Today it's the the largest online community for programmers to learn, share their knowledge and build their careers. Today, the site is visited by over 50 million programmers a month; in ten years 9.3 million users have provided 25 million answers to 16 million questions. Watch Stack Overflow employees and users walk down memory lane and say thank you."
In my experience, Stack Overflow is still one of the only places that I can ask questions and expect to receive useful information within the same day. I admit I don't answer questions as much as I used to, but there still seems to be plenty of people around to help. Also, as a general corpus of knowledge it really can't be beat - I often find useful answers to questions that were asked years ago.
I know it's currently in vogue to hate on it, but for me it continues to be a great source of information.