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It was the lead in to the "when you think about how you'd design it, you'd end up with Reddit or Discourse". I have seen dozens of them attempt to be "we're going to be Stack Overflow, but for those other questions" - get an enthusiastic start, and then peter out as lack of activity and disproportionate moderation requirements started to become evident.

For the network effect, try Reddit and consider why /r/AskProgramming doesn't have the mix of people that you're after. Or consider using AskHN here... but note also that this site (which has similarly smart people) isn't the right spot for such questions on a regular basis... why do we want to make Stack Overflow into something that both the software and the established community resist? ... and consider that it was designed that way to make it difficult and awkward to support those types of questions.

The collection of smart people answering questions on StackOverflow are doing so because it is StackOverflow and they can answer a question and then continue on. Eric Lippert and John Skeet don't want to be getting in discussions or they'd be more active in other places. If you ask "what is the best X" on Stack Overflow you'd still not be getting their answers.

As an aside to the "what is the best" - for a while I was recommending https://slant.co/ as a rather well done site (with even less comments) designed for that style of question. https://web.archive.org/web/20221104202743/https://www.slant...

I keep saying that Stack Overflow was designed a certain way. It was. Jeff was strongly influenced by Clay Shirky who wrote A Group is its Own Worst Enemy ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27706413 ). Clay was on the original board of directors for Stack Overflow. The "poorly designed" comments are in response to:

> 4.) And, finally, you have to find a way to spare the group from scale. Scale alone kills conversations, because conversations require dense two-way conversations. In conversational contexts, Metcalfe's law is a drag. The fact that the amount of two-way connections you have to support goes up with the square of the users means that the density of conversation falls off very fast as the system scales even a little bit. You have to have some way to let users hang onto the less is more pattern, in order to keep associated with one another.



    Atwood: Maybe. But the cool thing about this is this is not just me, because that would be boring. It is actually me and Clay Shirky. You know, Clay Shirky is one of my heroes.

    Spolsky: Oh...

    Atwood: Yeah I know, it's awesome. So we get to talk about like building communities online and I get to talk about StackOverflow, you know, and all the lessons we've learned and, get to present with Clay. Obviously he's an expert so. That's one of the people that I have emailed actually, because I thought that would be good, because he is from New-York city as well. So we could A) show him the site and B) talk about the thing we are going to do together in March, because he needs to see the site to have some context. I mean I did meet him and talk to him about this earlier a few months ago, I think I mentioned it on the podcasts. But that was before we had sort of even going to beta, so there's really not a lot to show him. But I would love to show him in person. So we'll see if I'll hear back from him, I do not know.

Just as Star Wars is a manifestation of Campbell's Hero's Journey (lots of Lucas Campbell links), Stack Overflow is an implementation of "A Group...". There are things that worked well, there are things that worked poorly.

The sites that compete with Stack Overflow for the other questions already exist. That they don't attract the experts or that they don't allow such questions is a statement about what would happen on Stack Overflow if you were try to make it so those questions were allowed.

Remember that https://news.ycombinator.com/ask exists and has those less well formed discussions that clearly doesn't match Stack Overflow's Q&A format.

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One of the problems is that lots of people have different ideas about what Stack Overflow is and isn't, and many people don't really seem to have a clear vision at all.

It's undeniable that the original intent of Stack Overflow is as you described; both Jeff and Joel have been very explicit about why they launched Stack Overflow and what its intended purpose was.

But Jeff left over 10 years ago and Joel was never very involved in the day-to-day operations. Since Jeff left things have been rather directionless; for a long time many Stack Overflow employees disagreed about lots of things and the net result was that ... nothing ever changed.

There's still many people who subscribe to this view of Stack Overflow, but also many who don't. In my own rant about Stack Overflow[1] I complained that these sort of useful questions being downvoted or closed.

In the end, this lack of direction results in a weird mish-mash site where different people are operating under different assumptions about what the "correct" behaviour ought to be, and it leaves everyone unhappy.

[1]: https://www.arp242.net/stackoverflow.html

I think StackOverflow has always suffered from a deep tension over the fundamental purpose of the website. I was a very heavy user and contributor to the sibling site SuperUser years ago, and connections from that era are the reason I still have the "Jeff Atwood GPU" on a shelf in my closet (I bought it off him in like 2009!). I sometimes think about framing it as a lark. I really liked StackExchange early on, but I think it was very much a victim of its own success in that huge user counts highlighted the basic problem with the Q&A website concept. StackOverflow seems to have hit the same problem even harder.

Here's the contradiction: is StackOverflow a place where you ask a question to get an answer, or a repository of information?

There's a huge desire among a lot of social-adjacent products to be A Repository of Information right now. I'm sure we all remember Slack marketing's insistence that having conversations in Slack ("Discord for Business") somehow becomes documentation because you can search for things. I'm sure we've also discovered that that's utter bullshit in practice, but the "zero effort repository of knowledge" thing clearly sells‚ and now we see posts complaining about people approaching Discord ("Slack for Business") this way.

StackOverflow might actually be the first prominent version? At least an early one. I think before StackOverflow the same kinds of conversations were around "enterprise knowledge bases" which were very much curated and written to an audience of people who want reference material. But those kinds of KBs were a lot of work to keep up, tended to require dedicated technical writers, etc. The most prominent public resources for programming, websites like W3Schools, were known for terrible quality. The equivalent books were expensive. So StackOverflow came along with this promise that a gamified, social Q&A experience, like Yahoo Answers if it was better organized, could become a knowledgebase in a Wiki-like way.

And, well, the experiment failed. The thing is, Q&A users (especially on the Q side) have radically different behaviors and expectations than Wiki editors. People coming to a Q&A site want to ask a question and get an answer. This will naturally lead to the same question getting asked over and over again, anyone who ever used a PHPbb community with a Q&A subforum knows this. It's not so bad on a forum where threads are understood to be somewhat ephemeral and community approaches to the issue varied by topic and community, perhaps better handling some of the nuance around the problem of repeat questions. But StackExchange isn't a forum, it's a resource, and that means the "questions" are supposed to be evergreen, curated references.

Sometime in the very late '00s or very early '10s, StackExchange headquarters settled on their answer: aggressive removal of duplicate and low-value questions. They introduced a new moderation tool that gamified closing questions, sending moderators through a whirlwind queue of allow/destroy decisions that seemed designed to minimize original thought and maximize wrote application of the restrictive policy---with a bias in the direction of "if in doubt, close the question."

From that point it felt like it really became the culture of the websites that the best way to maintain a high-quality information resource is to close as many questions as possible. A good decision from the perspective of creating a curated reference website? Probably so. A good decision from the perspective of running a Q&A website? absolutely not! StackExchange communities became this remarkable phenomenon, Q&A websites that were openly hostile to people asking questions.

I think the contradiction was apparent by 2010, but these things can run on momentum for a very long time. Hell, look at Quora, which has made basically the same mistakes but often in the other direction and is still a fairly major website today despite being just extremely weird and frankly right on par with Yahoo Answers for quality.

Atwood went on to found Discourse, which is extremely popular as a community support/Q&A forum for open source projects but seems to have most of the same problems as SE, just at a smaller scale. But now that it's community specific, you have to make an account on each individual Discourse, and you bet every one of them is going to send you a weekly summary email. Thanks, just what I always wanted.

My employer recently sprung for StackOverflow for Teams, their private offering for businesses. I think everyone's noticed that it hasn't really taken off internally... and I think it's pretty obvious why. No one knows what it's for exactly. If you want to ask a question and get an answer, you post in a team's Slack channel. If you want to record some curated, best-practice information for people to look up later, you put it in the documentation. StackOverflow falls into this uncomfortable in-between that's ostensibly "more curated than Slack, less curated than the docs," and I'm not sure anyone really wanted that? And frankly, it's just another piece of evidence that "It's Searchable" is not a replacement for any information organization at all, just an excuse to keep not hiring anyone to maintain documentation.

The big reason is the purpose was to create the best Q&A site for programmers (Quora is better than most Stack Exchange sites, just not Stack Overflow) and there was a relentless focus from the very beginning on making that happen. Compare to Expert's Exchange where the whole thing is designed like a liquidation sale flyer. It feels like a cheap commercialization of knowledge that is freely shared and thus feels exploitative, like it runs directly against the hacker ethos that enabled it to collect that information. Stack Overflow is very clearly designed by programmers to help programmers, and it was seeded with a great community to start it off on the right foot.

> I think StackOverflow has always suffered from a deep tension over the fundamental purpose of the website.

That tension existed in the announcements for the sites...


> What kind of questions are appropriate? Well, thanks to the tagging system, we can be rather broad with that. As long as questions are appropriately tagged, I think it’s okay to be off topic as long as what you’re asking about is of interest to people who make software. But it does have to be a question. Stack Overflow isn’t a good place for imponderables, or public service announcements, or vague complaints, or storytelling.


> Stackoverflow is sort of like the anti-experts-exchange (minus the nausea-inducing sleaze and quasi-legal search engine gaming) meets wikipedia meets programming reddit. It is by programmers, for programmers, with the ultimate intent of collectively increasing the sum total of good programming knowledge in the world. No matter what programming language you use, or what operating system you call home. Better programming is our goal.

(note: good is italicized in the original text too)

And the history of this question: https://stackoverflow.com/posts/1003841/timeline (note revision 1: https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/1003841/1 )

I agree it's not intuitive, particularly to those not well-versed in the history of Stack Overflow.

For the backstory, when there was just Stack Overflow (and not the network of Stack Exchange sites), there was a large contingent of people who wanted Stack Overflow just for programming problems (and not programmer-related questions, like business concerns, conceptualizing, or lists like these).

So the early Stack Overflow population separated everything into "Programming Related" (on-topic) and "Not Programming Related" (off-topic) questions. When Stack Exchange 2.0 launched (allowing people to suggest new sites), one of the sites that launched in the first wave was "Not Programming Related" which was intended to house all the fun stuff that was now off-topic on Stack Overflow.

Turns out, having a free-for-all site doesn't work, and the quality was all over the place. So it was retuned into being a site for questions about being a programmer or acting as programmer (so, business or conceptual questions answerable by programmers)—which captured 85-90% of the quality questions on the new site—to Stack Overflow's concrete programming (questions specifically about implementation): hence the name, Programmers.SE.

A bit of both. The original company exploration into opinion questions and things that didn't fit well on Stack Overflow was a site that was Not Programming Related. That lasted for a very short time and became Programmers Stack Exchange. Joel came out and warned the site - https://stackoverflow.blog/2010/09/17/merging-season/

> There’s an even longer list of things that really belong on the new Programmers Stack Exchange, which appears to be degrading into fairly stupid water-cooler nonsense, and could benefit from an infusion of more meaty subjects, like these proposals ...

This lead to the six subjective guidelines ( http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/09/good-subjective-bad-su... ) and its enforcement notice ( https://softwareengineering.meta.stackexchange.com/q/350 )

An early history of this is recapped at https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/200144

From the moderator and curator side... it's not at all enjoyable being a volunteer trying to keep the site on track. Combine this with the difficulty of fitting those questions to the framework... and the only people who wanted those questions were the people who randomly stopped by to answer about farting in the cubicle or naming of a cat or ask about the patron saint of programming. No lasting community formed around the questions, no one wanted to moderate or curate them... and so both the company and the people who curated the site got a rather strong "no opinion based questions" stance.

It is much easier to draw a clear line that is "too strict" and curate that line than it is to not have that line and have many judgement calls depending on who is looking at the post today.

While we can probably agree that the following questions are certainly over the line...

Farting in the cubicle: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/4954... ; example answer: http://i.stack.imgur.com/Qvcqx.png

Naming of cats: https://i.stack.imgur.com/VI92W.png

Patron saint of programming: https://i.stack.imgur.com/PV1tN.png

where do you put "what is the best php framework?" or "should I work for a company that does porn?" or "should I work at SCO?"

This isn't saying there isn't a place for such questions - just that the Q&A framework that SO uses provides a poor medium for such questions and there are other places for people who want to ask those questions to ask them.

> we lost the desire to be helpful and ended up with the desire to be "correct".

But that's the whole point of StackOverflow. Right on the about page is their mission statement:

    Ask questions, get answers, no distractions

    This site is all about getting answers. 
    It's not a discussion forum.
    There's no chit-chat.
And while yes, it may be interesting for you to know what the "latest and greatest" of the Javascript frameworks is, that's really not the point of the site.

Why? Because the answer is inherently subjective. It's open to interpretation and flame wars. In a year, it will also be obsolete.

Compare that to a trivial question, like: How do you create a while loop in C++03?

Which is incredibly basic, yet will always have 1 correct answer that will then be added to SO's vast knowledge base.

There's also the great side effect of StackOverflow then becoming a place for real-world problems for actual practicing programmers rather than a debate forum. The "best Javascript framework" might sound like a great topic for you, but it's also indicative that you haven't actually started any work on a project, compared to, say a person trying to figure out how to do two-way binding in Knockout.js. I'd much rather have a site full of real-world issues that are getting solved than a site dedicated to theory-based bickering.

"... a working template that they could use to base Stack Overflow on: Usenet. Usenet has been around for almost 30 years now, and newsgroups like comp.lang.c++ are still active and full of experts discussing a wide variety of topics. But no, Jeff and Joel would rather make an Ajaxy shithole with no reason to draw true experts in. ..."

It's not great to see an example of the Nerd bully at work. Anonymous, negative and probably wrong.

This is a bogus article. Why? Well firstly you can't gauge the writer? Who has written this? They have an opinion but everyone has opinions. So what is the meat of the writers idea:

  "Usenet is an active hive of technical 
   users who know all the right answers"
Usenet is an example of a broken model. Sure you can ask a question and get an answer. You might get 50. So how do you work out who's is right and the best? Force of personality? Discussion? By the time you have followed this discussion the noise/sig has diluted the answer possibly for the person who asked the question. What about others who ask the same question 5 years down the line? Where is the knowledge trapped? How are the experts identified? What you get is a unfocused threaded discussion arguing the merits of proposed solutions punctuated by the random Star Trek pun or maybe a lame Simpsons joke.

The ideas behind Stack Overflow are worth looking at. Forget who is doing it. Don't like Joel or Atwood, Fine. But finding answers to specific questions, finding good answers, evaluating responders and filtering the best results and preserving them is a worthy idea. The filtering of information and building the reputations of users who contribute is proving to be a real problem. Something to look at a bit closer.

The questions and answers might be crap at the moment. But maintaining that an archaic system is the best way to do things is making a statement about the writer.

By intentional design, Stack Overflow is a poor site to use if you need to work through multiple questions and answers to solve a problem. There are other sites that work to fill in that approach and do so better.

Stack Overflow works best when there is a well defined problem that can be reproduced and you are a specific answer rather than guidance for how to proceed or a tutorial.

If someone needs to come back to a question to answer comments and work through it, SO becomes more and more difficult to use in that format. AN important thing to remember is that it isn't the right site for every question (and trying to use it as such will run into those intentional design choices made at the very start to make it difficult to use for certain types of questions).

Over the years I've seen projects using stackoverflow to answer dev/user questions and just recently I started using http://stimulusjs.org/ which runs a discourse installation for their users. Which I like a lot because it discourse is fixing a lot of the problems stackoverflow has while not being a chaotic chat like slack.

I like my information well-ordered, grouped, focused and easy to search. Slack is a waterfall I just can't stand. (plus the emojis, am I too old for those?)

I think Joel and Jeff touched on the issues discussed in the article in their podcasts.

And Jeff always proclaimed that the purpose of the site is a very pragmatic one. To be a source of help for the specific professional community. Not a place to meet your buddies and hang out.

And there's a place for both. Personally, I like that StackOverflow stays away from too much social interaction and focuses on providing valuable technical content.

No, it's not. They have a clear purpose: they want the site to be useful. The definitive go-to site for programmers that have a question they need answered in a way that solves their problem.

Lengthy discussions can be interesting, but they don't solve problems. They're not useful. Therefore, Stack Overflow is not the right place for them.

Actually they even have a place for discussions: a chat feature that can be linked to from any question.

So Jeff Atwood wrote an article about what SO wants to be when it grows up. (https://blog.codinghorror.com/what-does-stack-overflow-want-...)

The answer wasn't a Q&A help site it was a high quality curated wiki of the best answers and questions. It isn't supposed to be a forum where you come to ask your one off questions it supposed to be a place where you encounter a unique technical challenge figure out what the core issue is and then see if anyone else knows how to resolve the core issue and then have that core issue answered forever and always.

The one time I asked a Question on SO it was a very positive experience that went well got answered quickly, but I first had spent thirty minutes documenting everything checking the actual docs and ensuring I had done my due diligence before throwing it out there for someone else to answer.

If you aren't willing to put in work to find the answer to your question why the hell would you expect someone else to.

I thought the primary goal of Stack Overflow was to crush Experts Exchange — that’s what Joel and Jeff said in the podcasts they published while SO was being built. I figured everything else it achieved was gravy.

Ok, here goes.

1. The Answers market is in a land grab mode

David argued that just because they had a home run in one niche, it didn't mean that they will have success in another niche.

I disagree. The brilliance of Stack Overflow (SO) is that they've come up with a product that takes flows with how the internet works. People type questions into search engines constantly. And, Google gives a high page rank to sites that provide frequently updated, quality content on a specific topic. Stack Overflow has nailed that, and because of that, a large percentage of their search traffic is organic. Stack overflow, has also solved a big problem that Yahoo answers has, which is reputation and trust.

I'm guessing the reason that they are interested in rapidly expanding SO to other markets, is Joel sees that this is how the internet currently works and SO has a 6-9 month lead on them in terms of technology and answer site savvy. It's a good time to exploit that, in my opinion.

David also suggests via straw man argumentation that people typing questions like "How to make swedish meatballs" isn't a market worth chasing. You'd have to ask the people at the Food Network that. Joel might be interested in licensing a "Food Overflow" to the Food Network's set of web sites. Or, perhaps he would be interested in setting up a "Home Repair Overflow" for Home Depot. Or, a "Car Repair Overflow" to Napa Auto Parts. Speaking of which, my 2003 caravan is acting up, and I'd kill for a "Car Repair Overflow".

2. Stack Overflow is like Starbucks

Just because David can't see a reason for Stack Overflow to spend money doesn't mean that Joel cant. SO has grown from zero to 6 million monthly unique visitors in 18 months with a staff of 6 people. I'm guessing that Joel is interested in adding dozens or hundreds of niche specific SO sites. And, yes, if he is going to chase that option, then he needs a lot of capital to hire.

3. Stack Overflow wants to get on Techcrunch

Ummm. No. Read Joel's post. That's not what Joel said. Again, another straw man by David. Joel said that he was interested in publicity. Publicity != Tech Crunch. Publicity can also mean attention from old media outlets like television shows, and newspapers. And, answers site benefit particularly well from media attention and publicity. One of the big reasons that SO was a success was because Jeff and Joel's blogs were so popular. If SO can get some media attention in other markets, I'd wager could see explosive growth for other verticals as well.

David dispariaged expanding SO to other niches by suggesting that SO was going after kids interested in how to find 3 gold rings in Zelda. I'm guessing that Joel is more interested in the consumer that asks "How do I change the alternator on my 2003 Dodge Caravan". Someone asking that question ooking for advice on changing an alternator in a 2003 Caravan, is going to be in the market to purchase that alternator. Advertisers pay a premium to reach people at that point in the sales funnel.

4. The investor will give you advice, connections, and introductions

David has the balls to give Joel hell for raising money in order to get advice? 37 Signals took money from Bezos to "get his advice". I'm just flat out calling bull shit on that one. I'm really sick of 37 Signals guys talking out of both sides of their mouths about this subject. They really have no room to talk on this one.

And, yes, investors often do have connections that young entrepreneurs can use. I have a number of friends in funded startups that have gotten introductions to airline executives, banking executives, CFO's of large consumer product companies because they found investors that had experience in those industries. It might not be an issue for 37 Signals, because they are sell ebooks, chat and TODO lists to Rails Developers, but if your business has anything to do with medium to large businesses, then the introductions come in really handy.

5. Taking money means big exit or IPO

"I don't know if you heard, but IPO markets aren't all that interested in eyeball companies without the numbers to back them up". Fog Creek makes $1 million a year on a job board that he advertises on his blog. 37 Signals also makes a bunch of money off their job board. There are more ways to monetize eyeballs than just advertising. SO is already doing that.

And, Silicon Valley is full of people that have made a bunch of money off of big exits or IPO's. Have you looked at the real estate market in the area? One of the reasons that it's so high, is because Google's first 1000 employees were all millionaires. Yahoo, Ebay, HP, Intel, Cisco, Sun, Oracle... Living here, you're surrounded by people that have made a killing off of options. Living in Chicago, you'd never see that, so I can see where David's myopia comes from.

The IPO market isn't over, and the merger and acquisition market is warming up. The last 10 years of financial and real estate hubris are collapsing before our eyes, and investors are going to be looking for places to make big returns again. It's just a matter of time before companies like Facebook, Yelp or Twitter IPO, and I'd be wiling things in the tech world will begin to look a lot different. Also, there's a bunch of companies in the economy that laid off a lot of people and they are now sitting on tons of cash. Those companies are going to be interested in growing, and acquisitions are a very nice way to do that.

A founders chances of getting a large company to look at her startup as a potential acquisition are better if they have already been valued at $10 million post money, than if it's 4 guys in their garage with a website. There's a reason that Del.icio.us took investment before they got picked up by Yahoo.

6. Taking VC will make your company successful

Joel said that taking VC makes sense if it meant you could grow the company and the founder wasn't interested in self aggrandizement. Joel has written a number of times that one of the problems that he saw with a self funded company, is that his employees don't have a huge upside potential. Upside can be shared with employees via options and an IPO. A quick acquisition for $6 million based on 3x annual revenues... not so much to share with employees.

I don't get the impression that Joel is doing this because he wants the money personally.

> The design is simply not suitable for living content.

So, hypothetically, things like recommendations would be a bad fit for Stack Overflow as the "what is the best library to use for developing Java applications" has moved from Apache Struts to other things.

And "what is the best blog to read to get an understanding of Python" would change every year and the new posts would get buried at the bottom...

Unless you're appending "... in July of 2023" to all the questions this month.

If you want something that is more ephemeral in its nature... wouldn't Reddit or Lemmy or Discord be a better choice for that type of question?

I can't remember if it was Joel Spolsky or Jeff Atwood who said this, but the analogy they used was Stack Overflow is supposed to be the college, not the quad. There we're plenty of unstructured discussions at the time, very few sites dedicated to the creation and cataloging of information.

Yes and no. The focus on tangible questions with definitive answers is certainly intentional, however they've missed the mark on some of their original goals. Here's a description of those goals: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2008/09/stack-overflow-none...

They've achieved a lot, but if you look at that diagram of what stackoverflow is supposed to be you'll see it's still not that. It's very much not wiki-like, and it's very much not blog-like. And part of the reason to support those aspects was to provide precisely the experiences that I've found lacking, such as being able to use the site as a general education resource (like wikipedia).

> ...long since stopped being about programmers ...whenever we told The New York Times that we were “Stack Overflow,” they would go to stackoverflow.com and have a heart attack. At least this way people wondering about the company understand that we’re about more than just programmer questions.

What? That's not good enough? Look at the graph. That's what it's about.


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