- Two of the best developers I know are completely self-taught.
- I'd argue there have been so many front-end frameworks not for the sake of novelty because the web platform itself was incomplete and stagnated. (And also blew a huge opportunity with the APIs for web components.)
- Now that the platform is evolving and innovating again, more and more things are moving out of the frameworks and back into the platform. Javascript has massively improved.
- Some amazing and complex engineering happens in the frontend space because of the constraints and the need to eek performance out of everywhere you can. You can't just throw more servers at the problem.
- Experiences vary, but I've been on more projects delayed by over-engineering the backend than the frontend.
I find myself agreeing in some ways. I had my hey-day on the frontend, enjoying all the new things being built for JS devs. Not just the big libraries like React or Vue, but others ones like Rx, Ramda, Lodash, and every other novel abstraction you can imagine. There's some really cool tech there but as a whole it's immature as hell.
My satisfaction as a software dev has increased massively since I've renewed my focus on the backend, and also spent some time with Java and other mature languages.
We still get things badly wrong but at least it's wrong in a way I can understand. I've looked at some new frontend projects and I would have to learn 7 or 8 different abstractions, inside a monorepo, just to understand how to build a simple interface to a collection of APIs.
Fuck that. The churn is too high and you might wonder how people built GUIs at all when you look at a modern web-app codebase.
sick of reinventing the wheel every time they start a new project and are able to understand the technical value behind concepts modern frameworks give us like dependency injection, unit/e2e testing, modularity, and separation of concerns.
You write as if we didn't understand the technical value of those things before a couple of years ago when the current crop of JS frameworks arrived, and as if using one of those frameworks is somehow necessary to achieve them.
In reality, everything you mentioned has been widespread in other software development fields for decades. It's stuff the junior guy on the team learns in his first few months.
Moreover, I think there is a reasonable argument that of your chosen examples, testing is the only one that has sufficiently common requirements for building large but general tools to be worthwhile. The other design principles are valuable, but how best to use them will be highly project-specific, and therefore any widely useful framework will tend to be over-engineered and over-generalised for most applications. See also the Java nightmare I mentioned previously, the trend toward lightweight frameworks on the server side, etc.
Edited to add:
The myth that front-end developers are not "necessarily from a programming background" is poisonous thinking and it unfortunately usually comes from older programmers or non-front-end developers; the very people who could help guide the front-end world into maturity.
There is a difficulty in the industry that significant numbers of people are coming into this kind of front-end development from some sort of HTML/CSS and/or design background. They used to use a bit of JS here and there that they copied off a demo site to get their buttons to animate, and now they're being asked to move into more of a mainstream programming role, but neither they nor the people asking them necessarily appreciate what that involves.
That's not anyone's fault. It will be fixed over time as the industry matures, both because knowledge will spread and because more specialised roles than "front end developer" will probably evolve. But right now, today, it is the situation in large parts of the industry.
The thing that backend devs don't realize is that frontend is not easy. A frontend dev builds something that will be used by a HUMAN, while a backend dev builds something that will be used by a PROGRAM. Related to the comment, things were changing a lot because there is not one single way to do things, as in iOS/Android. There is no standard imposed by a huge private company like Apple or Google. Everyone is free to reinvent the wheel.
Facebook did something super valuable, that is ReactJS, and this is becoming the _de facto standard_. ReactJS is simple, opinionated, and supported by a large corporation. Thanks to ReactJS a new ecosystem was born, and now finally you have many projects gravitating around it, and this is good. It's just a matter of time IMO.
I strongly disagree with _"the browser is a bad app platform and javascript is a bad language"_. JavaScript has its quirks, but it's also really plesant to work with if you don't do weird shit like `isNaN('wft' - 1) // it's true`. The browser is a great virtual machine that is democratizing the web. If you are doing things right, you can have graceful degradation (it degrade gracefully to a lower level of user in experience in older browsers) to increase the audience of your web app, from the dev in SF with gigabit internet to someone living in a rural area in a not so tech advanced country. This of course has a cost, that is spending time developing your app.
I think yes we are actually over-engineering front-end development at the moment, and I think part of the reason is we are under-engineering on unified standard and toolings in front-end realm. The ever fast progressing in web platform concepts has surpassed the speed of advancements in the platform (mostly browsers) and development environments. Therefore what used to be as simple as an <a href> now could very well be 200 LOC of history state manipulation and observation, what in other programming language is out-of-the box with fresh install or IDE integration is a few hours of webpack config and everyone is different from everyone. In short I think the cause of notorious front-end development is the non-unified status quo. Can't say it is whether a good sign or bad, it may be the price we have to pay to evolve, or maybe we overpaid already.
That has been said. To answer your question, I think if user experience is not high on priority and there isn't much point re-use a lot of UI code, the company is fine with back-end framework and many do. I do believe front-end framework provide many benefits, code re-usability, loose coupling from back-end code, easy for team collaboration, such and such. Company should only switch to them for reasons not the fuzz it generates.
I hear you, your criticisms are valid but you've identified the wrong cause. It's not the tooling, or languages themselves, rather the web platform.
With the web platform everything is sat on top of shifting sand ... i.e. changing browsers, standards and devices. Almost nothing in the tech world has changed so fast over the last 15 years than the software and devices web platform code is expected to run on. I'd say that given that churn, the quality of modern web languages and tooling is remarkable.
Writing backends vs frontends is a totally different thing. Backends tend to run in stable environments, and mainly you concern yourself with data in and data out. That's not to say its easy, there can certainly be be plenty of "essential complexity", and infrastructure and scaling is a whole additional set of concerns. Frontend by contrast is a much more fuzzy issue, clients need to run across many unstable environments and require skills very far from traditional programming - sensitivity to design, UX and animation for example. If you're good at backend, it doesn't mean you're going to enjoy frontend too. And if you don't enjoy frontend it doesn't mean all the frontend tech is "bad".
Well, we don't have to do things this way just because everybody else does... developing "vanilla" Javascript is actually a pleasure especially with tools like Chrome's debugger. In my experience, front-end "frameworks" like Angular and React provide very little value and tons of unnecessary overhead.
I have done web development since the 90s and I can tell you authoritatively that most of what people talk about, like those frontend frameworks, are gibberish.
Or at least, they're not worth the hype they're given. The wheel is constantly turning, and the hot new framework of today is just a re-hash of something already done years ago with a pretty facade.
You probably learned the actual fundamentals of the web, which is exactly what a good developer should do. Nowadays "frontend devs" don't know how to make the most basic functionality without React, Bootstrap, and 99 other pieces of bloat.
Frankly the stuff I look at just disgusts me on a fundamental level. Like as soon as you decide to use React, you've just mandated up to several megabytes of JavaScript simply to render your HTML. That's abhorrent.
Yeah, professional web dev is not for me, though it seems I'm not the only one lamenting the state of affairs. It seems that it's not just the frameworks that are thrown away in 3 years, but sometimes the products built with them too!
I think learning new "frameworks and methodologies" only makes you a better developer to the degree that they are well thought-out. It seems like a lot of JavaScript stuff is basically still in a state of flux, where people are experimenting and figuring things out.
I spent a lot of time learning Python, C++, C, R, bash, OCaml, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript. All those things have lasting value, and I expect to be using them in 5 years, and probably most of them in 20 years.
I would say jQuery has lasting value, since it has an elegant data-driven / document-driven model. I look a new things to understand if they have lasting value. React does seem principled to me, and I was interested in playing with it, although these threads have what dampened the enthusiasm.
I am using HTML/CSS/JS to display statistics and visualizations, and it works perfectly for that. In any case, I do think there is a problem where a lot of front end devs don't actually understand the abstractions the browser presents. It's basically the same problem as Python or Ruby programmers not understanding what syscalls are and writing horrifically slow code.
I can relate to your experience but you, just as me, seem not to be a typical front-end developer - the "web-boys" (a term which probably got you the down-votes) on the other hand are. If one asks them why they do things the way they do them, they usually have a coherent answer and are happy to explain it.
As someone else pointed out in this thread, a great advantage of established frameworks is that they provide a coding standard for a team. People who do this stuff every day can easily follow the standard, understand the flow and be very productive. They did invest lots of time to learn about all those tools and libraries and probably had an overall productivity gain compared to writing native JS.
If you don't really enjoy front-end development, and your comment reads like you don't, get on your high horse and join me for a ride while the "web-boys" make our hacked UIs usable for end-users and maintainable for the next "web-boys" who have to hack on it. When we get back we'll probably be very grateful for a great UI(X). ;)
Clickbait title for the HN crowd, I sense that articles like these are analogous to the old which color to paint the bikeshed debate.
Front-end libraries and frameworks should be trivial because front-end web development is largely trivial, it's the ecosystem around it that has bloated in complexity, including Vue.js and React.
Take a standard API that is already simple enough to understand and use (DOM), and re-package it for people who wish to call themselves "software engineers" to justify the time they spend on making simple things work in a complicated fashion. If you disagree that front-end complexity is getting way out of hand, just read the source code of any modern single-page app including its dependencies.
I think that code written by amateurs cobbling together vanilla JS is generally faster in development and performance, more easily understood, and easier to maintain than code written by a professional web developer using whatever framework. The early web itself was largely cobbled together by hobbyists, and so should it continue to be.
The industry disagrees with me, that's fine. I'm aware there are many reasons why my views are the exception not the norm. I just hope that something far better supercedes this era of web development, which would require social and cultural shifts to occur.
Can you really prove that feeling? because that's far from my experience and far from logical too..
Additionally, this 'fatigue' with front-end is getting a bit over told, I suspect it might be more alienation from developers who hacked jquery scripts together and feel they need to transition to app frameworks (I see so many simple websites and landing pages as react etc now).. where as those sites should just transition to vanilla js + dom..
The thing about inspired frameworks and 'churn' isn't a javascript/front-end thing, it happens everywhere, constantly... how many IOC, DI, ORM frameworks did Java and .NET have..
Because front end specialists only think about the front end.
The tide is slowly turning though with Next, SvelteKit, Remix, etc. But still these frameworks are basically just rendering HTML and going full on fat client which is overkill for 80% of interactivity in web app but adds a lot of unnecessary complexity.
I have been working with various SPA frameworks for about 5 years now, from the bad old days of AngularJS to mostly React nowadays.
Your comment about 1990 seriously rubs me the wrong way because it seems to imply React et al. actually does something to address the points you make. It does not, at all. You still need to test your code on every viewport you support. And now you have to deal with an insane build process that rivals some C++ projects while doing it.
And there is absolutely an objective argument that staying close to the web platform is preferable than 200 layers of leaky abstraction and a 10MB uncompressed bundle of transpiled JS. The language itself is pretty okay in 2020, certainly not worse than anything else from the TIOBE top 10. I would definitely say writing a bunch of plain JavaScript is all that’s needed for most applications out there. If you can’t manage that without a frontend framework, the problem is certainly not with the platform or language.
I agree that's a rather negative take on it, but I can't help. Working on web development for almost 15 years has washed away my sugarcoat ;)
Frontend web development is still absolutely painful and ugly. It's based on a broken paradigm (hypertext vs. interactive interfaces); relies on hacks for fundamentals (XMLHttpRequest is probably the best example); multiple standards pushed by organizations with special interests (remember having to encode video in 4 different formats?); is labour and time-intensive; tooling is still catching up with the 80's.
None of those, in isolation, are big problems though. The big problem is that, because you can always patch everything up with some javascript, there's no drive to have a platform that rests on top of more sound fundamentals - condemning ourselves to an endless cycle of frameworks.
I wrote a blog post[1] about JS frameworks and what led up to the current mess that's called front-end web development and how new developers are re-discovering "old" tech that's fun and simple.
I just want to thank you and also chime in. I'm not even 40 years old and all this frontend crap from the last decade or so makes me feel old. I started learning this webdev stuff from an HTML book in the nineties. A time when 'frontend' meant HTML and CSS, and maybe some plain JS.
I'm not here to piss on JS frameworks, it's good that devs push the limits of what's possible, I guess. But there's something to say for simplicity and stuff that's so matured that you can really rely on it. Making sound decisions for your product, your stack and your architecture is a skill.
I think you're right in that all this complexity didn't come out of a vacuum but I also feel the complexity in front end web development and the development costs that come from it are a real issue and shouldn't be dismissed. Yes I've worked in jQuery spaghetti and experienced that, but just because it might have been worse doesn't mean the situation in front end web development is good or can't be improved.
Anyone who's had to maintain one of these projects long term without a massive team or inherited an older codebase understands that there are serious churn / depenency hell / code rot and complexity issues here and layering more and more abstractions on top to try and dig ourselves out of the hole we're in might not be working anymore.
anecdotally I got out of JS / frontend mid last year after many many years in it and felt at the time that I was burnt out and had lost my passion for development. Maybe it was just too long for me in one area.
It could simply be that front-end web development is predominantly done by a new, younger generation of programmers, many of whom perhaps didn't come from programming backgrounds but rather a design background.
This generation is only just starting to learn important lessons that the wider programming community learned decades ago about maintainability, portability, the pros and cons of standardisation and of rapid prototyping/evolutionary development, how to design systems of non-trivial scale that can remain useful for extended periods, how to balance the overheads of introducing external dependencies with the benefits of using ready-made, tried-and-tested code and tools, and many other similar issues.
Consequently, that new generation is also only just learning how limited and unfit for modern purposes a lot of the foundations of front-end web development really are. As a direct result, we're now seeing a vast wave of tools, plug-ins, libraries and frameworks designed to paper over the cracks that should never have been there. And because there is little co-ordination or standardisation in the industry, there is also unfortunately a huge amount of wasted work, both for developers of those tools and libraries who are doing the same things repeatedly for no great benefit, and for the potential users who have permanent analysis paralysis.
That much will improve as the industry matures and consolidates, though I fear we are now stuck with HTML/CSS/JS as our foundation, at least until the successor to the Web comes along with things like interactive sites and security-by-default as primary design goals.
I agree. The problem for me is that writing the same front-end stuff that takes an expert an hour can take me half a day googling and debugging. And it's not fun at all for me.
And frameworks do expire quickly. Therefore it's hard to be determined to devote time to learn any of them seriously. And plain old DOM manipulation and CSS clearly cannot beat the development speed of modern frameworks.
- Two of the best developers I know are completely self-taught.
- I'd argue there have been so many front-end frameworks not for the sake of novelty because the web platform itself was incomplete and stagnated. (And also blew a huge opportunity with the APIs for web components.)
- Now that the platform is evolving and innovating again, more and more things are moving out of the frameworks and back into the platform. Javascript has massively improved.
- Some amazing and complex engineering happens in the frontend space because of the constraints and the need to eek performance out of everywhere you can. You can't just throw more servers at the problem.
- Experiences vary, but I've been on more projects delayed by over-engineering the backend than the frontend.