The first sentence of the story talks about obb introducing these trains as a less poluting alternative.
As a customer, that is more or less valuable to you depending on how much you worry about the impact of planes on the environment. I am self identifying as someone for whom that isn't one of the decision criteria. If that was my number one concern then I wouldn't fly. But then I guess I wouldn't travel via any mode.
> If I give someone the choice between the plane and the train, same ticket price, same travel time, people will pick the train most of the time.
But it is complex: first, it works in such a way that the plane tends to be cheaper. Should you tax the flights? But then you basically say that rich people can take the plane. Banning is more fair in that sense.
Then, the perception is different: people tend to trust the plane more (even though planes have delays, too) and underestimate the commute time for the plane (I often hear people compare the time between two train stations against the time between two airports, completely forgetting all the time to the airport and back, checking in, fetching the bags, etc.
And finally, what we need to do goes way further than just making it more convenient to take the train for some journeys. The whole aviation sector is going to have a huge problem because it can't reasonably replace fossil fuels (no, there is not enough electricity and hydrogen for planes in a post-oil world), and therefore we need to heavily prepare for that. It means that we will have to go towards a society where we almost don't fly and mostly take the train, and that will be less convenient. We just don't have a choice, and we have to prepare for it.
> There's really no reason a human would try to fly instead of take a train.
My anecdote:
Some time ago I did a lot of business trips around Europe. All business travel was organized by a subcontractor. They sometimes wanted to route me through a crazy amount of short airplane hops to get me to the destination. Sometimes even when a direct flight was available they couldn't put me on it because they didn't have a contract with the operator or something like that.
For some reason they strongly favored air travel and fell back on other means of transport only when there was absolutely no way to get there by air.
One some occassions I was supposed to do 4 or 5 500 km short hops, which would mean a whole wasted day of basically waiting at airports and boarding airplanes. In such cases I just said no, paid out of my own pocket for a train ticket or took my own car. And then spent next 3 months doing paperwork to get travel expenses reimbursed.
> Thankfully for airlines, it seems flying is a lot more indispensable than riding by rail.
More like air routes are a lot cheaper to change than rails. Nor do air routes cost millions of dollars per-mile to build.
And yes, jetliners are several times faster than trains, even bullet trains, and since rail networks are orders of magnitude more expensive than airline networks... The whole thing adds up to air travel being much much much cheaper and more convenient than rail with relatively few exceptions involving high population densities.
> From what I've seen, this additional demand is a net positive for the economy and environment.
Economy yes. But how is it a positive for the environment?
> Most trains in general are already scheduled. There is close to zero marginal cost for an additional person to take the train.
That's a good point but that's true for flights too.
>While taking train for me was more comfortable, most of the times it is not feasible and definitely a lot longer than taking an airplane.
well personal experience is not always representative - but anyway isn't one of the ways how trains could replace planes by increasing number of connections and speeding them up so that it does become feasible?
> but most of the passengers are just weirdos who enjoy wasting their time taking the train cross-country in 2018 (like me).
If you waste time while you're travelling with public transport you're doing it wrong. For example, something like an e-reader is pretty thin and weights a few hundred grams and can hold thousands of books. Noisy? I bought half decent earplugs the other day for just 12 EUR. All you gotta do is take them with you. But you'd do that in an airplane as well. Add to that, airplanes are terrible for the environment; trains are less bad.
> Human-piloted aircraft for routine transportation makes no sense. In terms of safety and ecology for long-distance travel, trains will dominate in the end because flying adds inherent risks and consumes much more energy.
OK cool I'll just take a train.... uhhh absolutely nowhere as I live on an island with extremely limited inter-city rail.
> While I like the idea of traveling by train, and I even took a night train from Munich to Budapest in the past, but on that specific route I had to share my cabin with a guy who just got released from jail a day earlier so I was not pleasantly relaxed. The fact that the cabin only had 2 bunk beds and I was pretty much isolated from other passengers and I had no way to keep my money and other important things in a safe, made me worried a lot.
>The big advantage of air travel is exactly this, you don't need to spend much time in the actual plane. And the passengers are by definition under full-time supervision by other passengers, so stealing or attacks are not so easy to get away with.
There are also drawbacks to air travel that you're not mentioning. I was in a sleeping segment with 5 other people and felt more safe than in an airplane. The important thing though is: we need to cut down on carbon, and travel by train is an important way to do it.
Well, for me one reason is that I've watched countless hours of "Seconds from Disaster" and "Air Emergency" on the National Geographic Channel.
Seriously, though, I think the control thing is big for me. I'm pretty sure that if I was wealthy, I'd be a private pilot--and still would not like flying commercially.
I don't like buses all that much, or cars when I'm a passenger, so that's more evidence in support of the control theory.
I'm OK with reasonable sized boats (e.g., the ferries in Washington State).
Ambivalent about trains--I was OK with them until I took Amtrak from the Seattle area to Beaumont, Texas, and back (yeah, patent lawsuit), and saw just how poorly maintained the tracks are. Fortunately when my train derailed, we were only going about 5 miles an hour so no one was injured. It just caused a several hour delay.
> Different modes of transportation have real pros and cons
Exactly. And the pros and cons for trains, as a mode of transportation, have made them a less viable option for most American journeys ever since the mid-20th century. When you say "there are people who do not drive or fly but use trains", you're not describing the typical, reasonable person who weighs the pros and cons between different modes of transportation, you're describing someone who refuses to even consider alternate modes of transportation. Maybe it's not necessarily a whimsical romanticism for trains, but it's certainly something well short of any actual necessity that's deserving of public subsidy.
> Right now, if I don't want to drive, my only option is to fly mostly in a shitty plane cramped up with strangers on a 4 hour flight.
Would high speed rail be that different? Not being snarky, I really don't know. I just figure that if it's very fast and/or expensive, it's probably not going to be very roomy on the inside. That Chinese train looks like it's about the same width or less than most airliners.
> There isn't many people in the USA that love the idea of driving their car to ride a train so that they can then rent a car to get where they are going.
You've just described airports, except with trains instead of planes. If I could take a train instead of fly I would.
> Second, we already have a perfectly fine train to O'Hare!
People who don't like or use transit love to talk about trains to the airport. It reveals a lot about how they view transit. To wit: it's a novelty, for special situations, for when you couldn't otherwise use your car to get where you're going.
It's not real transportation, in other words. It's a shuttle for the exceptions in your life.
As a customer, that is more or less valuable to you depending on how much you worry about the impact of planes on the environment. I am self identifying as someone for whom that isn't one of the decision criteria. If that was my number one concern then I wouldn't fly. But then I guess I wouldn't travel via any mode.