I only said that I’ve only seen bad faith coming from Musk. Twitter may not have been 100% honest of course, I just haven’t seen evidence for it. I thought I was pretty clear in my last post about this, but I’m glad I can clear it up for you anyway.
In contrast to tesla they don't have an unfiltered musk on an official twitter channel. So their official statements are still closer to reality in the general case.
That's why I posted the screenshot. Yes, angry_staffer is one of the most credible accts I've seen on there for years (despite being anon, he's very cautions and I've seen nothing that didn't check out).
There are significant numbers of reports of people having disagreements w/Musk, then finding that it stays up, but their other history &/or features stop displaying/working. I haven't verified, but these are public figures / Blue Checks...
Given past performance, along with behavior like banning links to Mastodon, it's also completely fair to guess that Musk is likely lying again. It's a common behavior of his, and far more likely than some of these journalists lying, when the journalists could easily be proven wrong, at great cost to themselves. Musk pays no penalty for lying.
Edit: that said, there could be some small tenuous grain of truth to what Musk thinks happened...
> I'm likely to believe this explanation rather than Musk personally hitting the "suspend" button on stuff he doesn't like.
It’s amazing to me that despite despite several data points showing Musk would be capable of doing this, people are still giving him the benefit of the doubt.
The substantiation is Musk's own words, easily visible to all.
Part of the "nothing is true" aspect is to make people start to doubt their own eyes. Let's not fall in honesty to the point where Musk's own Twitter timeline is not proof of what he is saying.
But Musk never lies. I mean, I've never seen him say things that were utterly untrue to drive stoc- sees SEC crackdowns on twitter posts .....Ohhhhh, right
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, New York Times, and even published research[0] have all been calling Elon Musk out for years now, yet his fans will still believe him despite them withholding data