I use a number of tools and I've often forgotten an individual command, or when I'm using tools like curl or docker that have a long single line command that I know I can't remember.
Also, another way to find past commands you run `history | grep <whatever-you-are-looking-for>` and works wonders; or as other users have mentioned, Ctrl-R works too.
That's pretty much it. I used to have to use quite a few different shells, so `<CTRL> + r` wasn't always available, but `history | grep` usually was. Once I'd got in the the habit of using `history | grep` I found that I liked the extra context provided by seeing a group of commands with a few variations between the lines. So often it helps jog my memory of what parameters I'll need to change before using it.
I do the same thing, and have a couple of commands set up to run grep over the last day, week, month, or ever in my history. I don't use my full history every day, but it's something worth keeping around.
It's funny how personal workflows can be. I do the history|grep thing too, but never felt the need to automate it further. It's a relatively rare thing (maybe once a day), used when I know I did something specific in the past but forget a detail or two.
Instead, I generally drop little shell scripts around my work area for specific tasks. Working on iterating a build/install to chase a specific bug? Stuff it into a little script. Writing a find command to munge a bunch of files with xargs or -exec or whatnot and realize I'm into the third line or editting? Stop and echo it into a file, then finish it in emacs.
The idea of doing all that junk and then relying on the bash history file (instead of, y'know, the actual filesystem) to store it for me seems weird.
Nice! I’ve been at this game for a while and ctrl-r must have slipped right past me till now. I’ve regularly do ‘history | grep ___’ but ctrl-r looks like a far better solution.
I also use `history | vim -` to search through the history in the context of other things I was attempting to do. Say, if I try some command and it does not work, chances are it's not the first time and I have the correct version on the line bellow :)
I should probably make it a function now that I think about it.