When I was in the market for a new washing machine I tried to purchase a review, but the online system wouldn't let me, because I'm not a German resident.
It may be because the foundation recives German public money.
It is part of the German public broadcasting but as I just learned actually not financed by the fee every German household has to pay. It is financed directly by the German state.
I will use this in the future as an example for this simpler (and cheaper) system working just fine.
It probably depends on which country is handling your subscription. With a German address, they don't have to consider any request in any language other than German.
Here's a cursory overview (IANAL!): They want the name of your company, and for companies outside Germany, the name of a representative in Germany; and a way to contact you. Page 2 concerns access providers, e.g. ISPs. Page 3 concerns service providers, with provisions for all manner of services from VoIP, Email, messaging, VPNs and more general network solutions, and a field for "other" ("include brochure where applicable"). They close with some explanations, and a threat of fines up to 10000 EUR in case of non-cooperation.
It's 149 pages at around 20 entries per page (there's also an Excel version available). Facebook is not listed. Google is, hilariously with the note that there is an ongoing legal dispute on whether they are required to register.
does something like this exist outside of germany? Having a Stiftung Warentest subscription always strikes me particularly german.