I refuse to hoist the guillotine when the time (seems sooner every day) arrives. But I also refuse to stand in the way either, or at least more than I'm already doing by incessantly badgering the kleptoclass that they will get tennis court-ed if they keep this shit up.
Posting beat after beat and carpet bombing Sunnyvale like fucking Curtis LeMay at the same time is offensive to everything about being an American, and a hacker, and really just a human.
Layoffs happen, markets go dry, the world moves on. But stuffing your pockets until it's spilling out while walking around the Bay Area with a Samurai Sword drunk from Fucki Sushi?
I won't help them drag you out of your Tesla and beat them to death with your own iPhone. But let's quit while we're ahead assholes?
It's cut throat at the top. Don't like it, don't take the job. I don't like getting my feelings hurt either. I also don't like:
- The communist Chinese poisoning me with a bioweapon
- Burning alive in a nationwide wave of arson across a hundred cities
- Rioters beating me to death because I took a wrong turn
- Corrupt federal police hitting me with military intelligence weapons made in the aftermath of the twin towers blowing up
- Dying in prison just because I'm not part of the club, whether or not if what I do is moral or lawful, makes everyone wealthy, or is just fun.
I fault no one for fighting back. Why take damage just to stay still? I fault no one for ambition and personal gain. Blue jays squawk and throw stones because they know what cats do to them. And it's really rich for Berkeley to say this. Burn down the city and beat people to death in the street. The next morning, write about what a good person they are. Completely forget about the people they've killed. It's an old racket and doesn't work. You die bitter. Pulitzer did the same exact thing.
I spend as much of my time, and as many of my resources, as possible away from those horrid greedy bastards.
I know that a lot of people here have fantasies about becoming one of those yada yada ya.... But it is not good. Our system where huge resources go to a self selecting elite and the rest of us are left with the crumbs is going nowhere good and I keep as far out of it as I can.
I do not want to live in a shack in the woods, so I have to engage a bit. But as much as possible and practical, I do not.
The year is 2024. Everyone who disagrees with my political views is a confirmed national security threat and a terrorist. I hope they throw the book at these bitcoin boys.
time and time again i've read this flavor of communist rhetoric. time and time again, nothing changes and neither the reader nor the author is inspired to do anything differently after it's regurgitated.
Yes, yes i'm sure if it wasn't for those greedy corporations we'd all have more time to run hedonistic treadmills, and our lives would be meaningful. what are you going to do about it, nerd?
so save your comments for reddit, and i'll save mine for /dev/null. maybe dang will pipe this one for me!
No thanks, I have better things to do, and larger ambitions. The crooks, nuts, and kleptocrats can rule over the inevitable wasteland they will create.
Downvote all you like. I'm over this, and I'm getting out of the IT game. If everything I do can be taken at will by a far more powerful, and greedy, team than I can do anything about, what is the point. Time for a change of career. I've always wanted to protect our dying forests and species in any case.
Renouncing my US citizenship too. This is all too disgusting.
No, I won't live that way. No, I won't think that way. No, I won't become a mindless zombie, thinking only what your ideology says. No, I won't work to trap everyone else in society in the horror of your socialist "paradise".
No. Just no.
(I'd really like to say something much stronger, but it would be highly against site guidelines.)
Do you know how many times I've been told to do something other people want? Or how many times I've bought something that promised everything and then fell apart when I needed it.
Burn, loot, and murder your way to trillions. Now yell at your victims when you need their help. No thanks.
If you want authority, don't do this:
run an attack ad where plastic surgeons act like disease researchers
give a covid exemption to rioters
get caught doubling covid numbers in Florida
surrender without firing a shot
print yourself rich
Do you really want to do this? Lead America? Or do you just want to eat, steal, get high, hump each other, break things, and murder people?
My commitment to a personal code of ethics is the only thing that stops me from becoming a monster.
You have no idea what runs through my head sometimes. No idea. If I ever decide to get "dirty", it won't be to your benefit, in any way whatsoever. If I can't obtain power fairly and rationally, I am very unlikely to use it fairly and rationally. I'll use it to screw you over and make myself and my allies rich on your suffering. That's what people with power do now, and I have observed it to be a successful stratagem so far.
The government is running out of opportunities to present arguments against the possibility of me forming or joining a rebellion composed of strange bedfellows. Every time it changes policy to become more hostile to traditional American ideals, it is prying another board off the portal to the abyss.
Don't tell me to stop watching the circuses and go join one. I'll just nail down the tent flaps and set the big top on fire.
If you don't want me to be a walking time bomb, stop tolerating blatantly unethical behavior in your government and your political parties. Now. For me, it is a beauty contest, and the loveliest of the pageant participants is, at best, a "4". And for some reason, the crown keeps getting taken by someone who is a "1" or a "2".
Perhaps I have just lived too long in places with notoriously corrupt government.
This is a tone-deaf comment. All of us who otherwise agree with your position and support it: you are alienating us.
I have friends and acquaintances who fled, or stayed and had their eardrums blown out by flash-bangs at protests.
My friends' student was raped in prison for attempting to "take control against her own corrupt and bloodthirsty government", as you put it.
Where were you in 2020? What domains did Namecheap drop then at a week's notice?
Now you are preaching to the choir (i.e. the very "IT-shniki" whose support for your position was never even in doubt), and calling them too apathetic or too meek or too unworthy.
I get it: you see suffering, in your own ranks, you have power and you want to use that power to do good.
But please listen when we explain to you that you're revelling in scoring on your own net. This action hurts your own team and not the opposing one.
I'll probably stop working for a while. I really don't want to support these creepy people in small town and rural america. They should no longer get my tax money to prop up their almost non-existent economies, and they certainly shouldn't enjoy a 1st world lifestyle on my back. No more 60-hour weeks for me. I'm retiring.
I hope other follow. Maybe they'll finally get off their couch, turn off breitbart, and actually do something positive and productive with their lives.
To the down-voters: I thought part of this 'movement' was to get rid of political correctness. So, please let me take advantage of my new found right to say what I really think - what many people have been secretly thinking but have been too polite to actually say. Let's put it all out on the table. Wasn't that one of the big motivations to begin with?
you are one of those very dangerous followers who touts the virtues of independence, and fighting against the system, pointing to something that seems new. Telling us it is better and different, and if we weren't such sheep we could be free, at least those of us brave enough to follow you.
I no longer believe in pretending in the good faith of posters here on HN. This kind of anti-social clap-trap is dangerous and stupid.
Indeed. I want to relocate where there are none of either persuasion. Every side is utterly wackadoo, and I would just as soon get out of here once and for all.
But there is no place to go. The global status quo has me trapped here as a prisoner. There will no escape, no relief, and no freedom. I am and shall always be a slave of some State; I can only pick my poison.
These words will ring true, for some, in every corner of the world. But by all means, continue to ignore, marginalize, and exploit us. That surely will end well.
“Don’t be human.” Noted. Feel free to delete my account. If you ever learn how human beings work... well, I won’t care. Enjoy your bubble of ignorance and right-wing terrorism
Posting beat after beat and carpet bombing Sunnyvale like fucking Curtis LeMay at the same time is offensive to everything about being an American, and a hacker, and really just a human.
Layoffs happen, markets go dry, the world moves on. But stuffing your pockets until it's spilling out while walking around the Bay Area with a Samurai Sword drunk from Fucki Sushi?
I won't help them drag you out of your Tesla and beat them to death with your own iPhone. But let's quit while we're ahead assholes?