hell of a caveat you casually slipped in there, comrade.
Well done, sir
Oh, very subtle, I almost gave you the benefit of the doubt.
That's real class, right there.
Lol, that's terrific.
Seriously guy?
> I, with all my obscene class privilege, would be happy to have you.
Gotta test for any chinks in the armour.
No need to be sorry, believe me I understand how hard it is to build something like this. You are to be applauded for doing something both fun and hard.
Mmmm I dunno, I looked the fellow up and I think he's more of a culotte type.
You did this on purpose, didn't you. ;)
Written with literally no knowledge of this before:
This killed it for me.
I misread your comment to mean flames/burning stuff (not weapons fire), and wanted to pause for a moment to admire your approach to life.
Fuck man, I'm pretty sure he just said he isn't
No, I wouldn't.
Ha ha, reverse Checkov's gun.
Are you sure about that? It seems pretty out in the open.
You literally did.
If that was an unintended pun, I LOLed really hard xD
(Sorry in advance for the low quality comment)
hell of a caveat you casually slipped in there, comrade.