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I've had customers "threaten" me with the same. Some people get really unlucky(had a customer receive two defective products in a row and the third time we were OOS). I've never begrudged a customer for sharing their experience with others as long as its a factual account. In fact with that customer I confirmed his account of events and apologized publicly.

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Ok. What was the experience? Sometimes the customer is not right.

Totally agree -- you can't always avoid the bad things, but you can change the end of the story that your customer will tell others.

Customers will talk. The question is whether they'll say "This annoying thing happened and I don't recommend them" or "but they made it up to me with ______, and I was really satisfied at the end."

If someone replies to me they deserve a response, that is why I am here for discussion.

I totally understand that mentality. I'm just saying I've found it helpful, sometimes, to let other people have the last word. Sometimes my original statement stands for itself and doesn't need to be reiterated.

I don't necessarily think you were being unreasonable. I don't have enough information to really judge that, especially if it comes down to tone. I'm just saying in general that if you're going to do things like this, to keep in mind that the other person is also testing and judging you. Maybe he didn't care about good customer service and your heuristic for determining a good vendor worked, or maybe you tripped his heuristic for determining a toxic customer and he decided to write you off. To some extent that'll have to happen, but it's worth maybe a moment's consideration. That's all.

Why do you expect them to? Did they have a bad experience for some reason?

I personally avoid talking to customer's service as much as I can. I'm more likely to give up on a product or switch to alternatives than say anything. There are a very few exceptions to this. I suspect many other people are like me.

Well, on the other side of it. It only takes one bad customer having a bad day to shit all over your business. Some people are crazy and vindictive. Like the guy who reported me to the Consumer Product Safety Commission on fictitious grounds because I refused to be extorted.

Additionally, when a customer is upset with how you treated them, they are highly likely to tell a bunch of people about it. They are less likely to hype your product if satisfied.

So one bad experience can undo a lit of good ones. These days, one person with a large social media following can tell a great many people for the same effort it would take to tell one person and may not stop until their ire has died down, which can take a while and may be oit of proportion to the harm they experienced, especially if they are going through personal stuff (wife died, their business went bankrupt, whatever).

Still, you're not a customer. Did you have any bad experiences while a customer?

Remarkably true.

Anecdote: first real customer (a reseller) of a consumer product that involved cell phone apps, web services and custom hardware. He had to drive by his customer 3 times because our product failed 3 times (hardware failure, configuration mistake, error in the manual). Each time the phone rang at our office we were slightly afraid it was him again. Most of the times, it was.

After it was all over and the product flew and the consumer was happy, the reseller sent us a mail about how much he enjoyed working with us and how we really cared about him and his customer. We had given him cause to drive to his customer, 100km away, 3 times too often. We expected an angry resignation, not compliments!

The bar really is ridiculously low.

So... are we going to hear the other side of this? I mean, sometimes the 'customer is not always right' and I think it's fair to assume he is mostly sorry only because he got caught. But I want to know what the issue was that prompted such a forceful reply.

I can respond to his comment from my own perspective. With my own customers, I have a policy of accepting blame for everything and always working to fix pretty much anything.

This, semi-regularly, results in customers who notice this policy and take advantage of it. You end up in a situation where you either have to piss off a customer or do mountains of work that have nothing to do with the scope of your product simply because the customer is convinced its your fault (or he's a dink that knows if he pretends its your fault, he'll get something out of you).

My biggest falling is that. And unfortunately, I feel that the customers who are like that, are also the ones who make the biggest noise. I'm in a relatively sensitive industry where my customers tend to be doing a lot of research before picking my product, so I can't afford to have any bad noise floating around.

Just an anecdote/personal vent very related to the discussion.

This particular case isn't a great example because the customer posted one rude comment in a forum. I'm ignoring the bad review, since that's not good reasoning to part ways. Basically this customer hadn't yet crossed a line that would irk me.

However, to me, there is a line. "The customer is always right" can't be literal.

I have no issue parting ways, with a full refund, for toxic customers that repeatedly use abusive language with my employees. Especially when it's not relative to the situation. These kind of customers do exist. It's not common, but do e-commerce long enough and you'll run into one.

There are also (not often) customers that engage in return fraud or other activity that is just obvious cause to avoid them in the future.

tl;dr moral of the story: But I never again promised a customer that I could do something beyond my full control.

In my experience the company treat individual customers with something akin to contempt.

Every time I see a post like this it makes me wonder if other businesses have unfairly gotten a bad reputation because of anecdotes reported by anonymous customers whose version of the story is subjective, biased, possibly exaggerated, etc.

When a company is huge, even one out of 100,000 transactions going badly adds up to a lot of anecdotes.

So basically you seem to judge situations poorly, but seem to insinuate that customer complaints are often not justified.

That may be, and that's why it's a good idea to wait for proof. People saying "I told you so" or "Every time" are missing the point and not helping.

(Not my main account because it would be inappropriate to speak about a customer of a past business)

I just had to chime in here, 2 is coincidence but 3 is a trend. They did the exact same thing to us, spending months telling us to solve an issue that was clearly a result of issues on their end, and despite repeated proof would push us into meetings at really unkind times, not doing the steps we recommended and being increasingly rude and accusatory while demanding time with the product team simply to express discontent.

I would have loved to be able to just say no.

Well I guess I should really just speak for myself. I am less of a fan than I was before. The fact is that good customer service does not extend to posting customer's full names and addresses on a public forum as part of some kind of fucked up dispute resolution process. Period. If I had been one of those customers, I would be pretty pissed off and justifiably so.

I have no problem with 116 orders going awry out of thousands, apparently through no fault of 27bslash6, shit happens sometimes. The way they handled things after this initial problem is what generated the majority of ire against them on Reddit (so it seemed to me at least). Just because his/their actions are in character does not excuse them. If he wants to continue his asshole persona to even dealing with people who are his direct paying customers and his customers are happy with this, then they get what they deserve. But count me out.

And yeah, I read about this story yesterday and didn't think it particularly HN relevant. But seeing as someone did post it and to me - after thinking about it - it is a story primarily about customer relations, I thought I may as well comment.

The customer is not always right.

I agree with most of what you say, but why do you take for granted that it's up to the customer to demonstrate that the product is defective? Furthermore, where does the idea that the customer must be able to communicate this to a uninformed clerk come from?

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