If you were promised an annual bonus, and it was due before Dec 31, you had bet your ass you should expect a check. At that point they owe you money. It doesn't matter that you later quit. I can't fathom how people think it does. Can you explain it?
Underrated comment. It’s not your money until the company pays you; you don’t get to count the interest on money that isn’t yet yours. If you are allowed to count like that, then why just count the two weeks? Why not claim the interest of an entire year’s salary as “yours”?
I think it's quite simple: If you are starting a job, the company pays you. Never ever should you spend a significant amount of money before receiving the first pay check.
First, many employers pay bi-weekly, but deposit is delayed one cycle. You work, then at 2 week mark timesheets are submitted & approved, and then following week the auto payment happens.
Second, there is vacation time, which can be as much as 4-6 weeks accrued but not paid out. The average employee probably carries at least a week or three.
I hope this explains. Even though paychecks may be first in line, there is significant amount of the company's risk borne by employees.
I receive a two-week paycheck with a one-week delay, plus five business days (a week) for the bank to verify my employer actually has the funds to cover it. So that's four weeks already. I'm not sure where the other 17 days come from, but it's important to note that most people would not quit on the spot if their paycheck doesn't clear; there's too much risk in that. This is how employees end up weeks to months behind on paychecks with employers stringing them along.
Maybe they take it as an advance against payroll (direct deposit) and explicitly eat the risk of a user losing their job and never repaying a week. So it wouldn't be a debt.
Usually the 20K payout is staged and contingent on the employee working through a target date, say 1 year.
This has made me want to call them up at 50 weeks and ask for that bottle of whiskey or brown paper bag of cash, otherwise I walk. Oddly enough, I've had plenty of recruiters that placed me call me up on that 53rd week and try to place me somewhere else.
Too bad the employees are not getting in on this racket?
also a month's pay is a lot of money, and you know if you leave you will never see it. the hope is by staying you will eventually get your back pay too
I for one think companies need to be taught a lesson for giving paycheck advances and calling it a bonus. You have been given an interest free, unsecured loan with no minimum payment and unspecified term. So, just pay it back at your leisure. One dollar per year.
A cyncical take might be that they are saying that they take responsibility (credit) for reducing the monthly payroll expenses. They may also have overhired in the past, but what's in the past was already paid for. The savings next month is how they justify a large paycheck.
Your last sentence about an entire year's salary suggests that you may not understand the original commenter's point. I'll try to explain it.
In the United States, employers generally issue paychecks for work performed in the preceding period of 1-2 weeks. So most employees are advancing their labor to their employers, on the promise that they will be eventually paid for that work, at the end of that pay period.
The conceptual alternative has nothing to do with annual salary... It would look more like employers issuing daily paychecks, at the end of each workday. Or, employers would keep the pay period system, but pay employees an additional amount to compensate for the loan of their daily labor for the time until the next payday.
In the 2001 DotCom downturn a friend worked at a company where they were informed that the paycheck they had received the prior month was the last payment they'd get. So not only no severance, etc but they also worked a few weeks gratis.
Hmm. Under US bankruptcy code any payment made in the 90 days prior to filing is subject to being undone by the court (you have to pay the money back). Perhaps this rule doesn't apply to employee bonuses??
I've been in a similar situation where pay checks were a month or so late. Eventually they showed up. Eventually we got more equity, but that equity was worth nothing in the end, as the company was "acquired" in a fire sale. I should've left and looked for a new job at the first sign of trouble (if not the second sign!)
Once you stop getting paid, forget about it: look for another job. It takes gross negligence to get into that situation in the first place.
"Could you enlighten me as to the mechanics?
If my contract says I'll be paid monthly on the 15th, when do
I send in the invoice? Are the payment terms net-10, net-30, or longer?
Do I need to break out sick or vacation days as its own line item? What about the deductions?"
If you are having difficulty grasping this - you should not work for an early stage startup that is pre-funding. You are expecting very standard 'employeeship'.
If you are an 'employee' of the company - yes - you are required to be paid with W2's etc. - of course.
But if you're not obligated to be an employee of a company to accept equity - or other kinds of payment for services rendered.
As far as 'invoicing' - either you're being sarcastic or you've never done such a thing. You send an invoice, and you get paid. You have to claim it yourself in terms of taxation. As far as 'terms' - I'm hoping you are kidding. Either you get paid or you don't.
The company in this article I think was well past the time wherein they should have had had payroll set up - no doubt about it.
At the same time - it's absurd how confused many of you seem to be about the simple mechanics of getting paid.
You do not need a payroll system (i.e. W2s) while you are in the most early stages of a company.
The companies we are alluding to aren't giving you that option; they're shoving the risk down your throat by not making it clear, when you receive your last full paycheck, that there may not be a next one.