Depends on the language.
To clarify, you mean 10000%, right? My American brain really wants to parse that as a (very precise) 10% improvement.
The OP was saying it was at least 30%
Yes it is if all other numbers are smaller.
If I carried the decimal correctly, 5 thousand out of 58 million is less than 1% of 1%.
Like 1% or 10%?
His maths is correct, just an easy-to-misread phrase
A hard number would say more than that phrase :)
Exactly, the 0.1% are part of the 10%
...if you can grant them the premise that the 3.3% sampled represents the project as a whole so that the ratio will project out to 27k overall.
You sound sure. Where did you get this number?
It is absolutely not ridiculous as a lower bound!
is that out of %100,000?
Depends on the language.