Hi -- Namespace's CEO here; if you have a chance, please drop me a note at hugo-at-namespacelabs.com; I'd love to hear what we could be doing better in the UI, and product overall. Thank you!
Hey, I'm a product manager at NetBox Labs, the commercial stewards of the NetBox project. It's great to see such nice and useful feedback.
We're not even a year old yet as a company, and we know that it's currently not easy to find details on netbox.dev, and we're in the middle of a project to address that. In the meantime, I hope you'll check out the resources hosted on https://netboxlabs.com.
Nice! it would be great if you are able to integrate a simple playground where getPainsIFeel() can be edited and the URL shared with anyone for them to enter `theirPains` for calculating Product-Market Fit.
Because getting people to share their problems, finding those who share the problem, getting those who would like build/have built solution for those problems in a single place is very hard. I've been trying to build a solution for it at needgap[1].
For the non nerd two things:
- login via FB/Twitter would be nice
- user voice (or similar) feedback instead of GitHub issues page: no non-coder is gonna leave you feedback there!
Excellent suggestions, I discuss them with the dev team. Would you able to share(roman[at]termius.com) your user stories? What for are you using Termius?
As one of the developers on LinkSF I'd also love to share ideas. We're about to do some serious rewriting after finding out our backend is going away. Really great to see new projects happening in this area of service!
Great to see more in this space. We've been working on the same problem with https://www.ringerhq.com for the past ~year and have seen great success with specific projects. We're changing our approach slightly to give contributors and maintainers more tools after receiving feedback on specific features. If I can reiterate one piece of advice: listen to the community!
Didn't notice you were the founder, nice. I'll check out the link.
I've been wanting to give my customers the ability to write/deploy their own webhook handlers, because that's a big roadblock for those that don't have any web/server experience.
Been thinking it'd be cool to embed a repl for that (with a "starter" handler per-language), to handle editing/deployment, but I haven't dug too much into that to see if it'd be possible.
Been meaning to reach out to your team but I keep putting it off. Like I said, love your platform and been fun watching you grow. :)
Thanks for the feedback. Just want to say that in terms of content architecture, we are working on ensuring that all our content is discoverable - the concerns above are valid and I will direct this feedback to our IA people.
This is really cool, and something I’ve thought about a lot from various perspectives. This space badly needs some source of cohesion.
You don’t need my advice but I noticed you said:
> Our hope is to make device integration simple…
I think you should use more assertive language! You know it can be done so you don’t need to hope — it’s what you’re going to do!
Do or do not, there is no try!
I love this idea in any case. I would echo others in asking why this won’t be more open, though.
This reminds me a bit of Viam (https://www.viam.com/). Different, but exciting to see APIs geared towards making IoT and robotics more accessible and efficient to interface with.
Hi kshiraly, what your referring to is a true pain for me, both as a developer and a user. I've been working on a simple web app that helps bridge this gap. I'd be very happy to hear your opinion. Is there any email address you're reachable through?
I'm working on building a service that provides on-demand customer support for your SaaS app, e-commerce store, or anything else you can think of. It uses your existing documentation and will forward you things you need to see, like bug reports.
Thanks for the feedback - are are working on adding more comparisons of technologies onto https://cerbos.dev and will certainly make sure to include OAuth
Hugo @ Namespace (https://namespace.so)