As a potential tourist or traveller (I am not to be fair), I wouldn't risk travelling to the US. I'm not sure if there are actual tourists who feel the same, but I'm sure there are other avoiding the US.
A lot of others probably would rather not visit the US even if they could, given the current political climate and the whole security theater surrounding the borders.
I certainly avoid the US for any connecting flights to Central and South America (I live in Europe). I've also been avoiding vacationing in the US since I experienced some rather rude TSA agents at Miami International a few years ago, although to be fair I have seen some of the US and wanted to expand my horizons.
The only solution for a non-US citizen is to simply not travel to the US. This is far less of a loss than it seems to many; it's a large and fascinating world out there and there's many other wonderful places to visit instead.
Americans may be shocked to discover that given the downward trajectory of the US at the moment, for many international travellers this is yet one more reason to choose somewhere else over the US. It's hardly extreme to avoid a country that keeps providing reason after reason to avoid it.
Especially for people who have been outspoken about the US' illegal wars and various war crimes.
Or, I just don't go. I understand the risks are incredibly minor (and the negatives probably overplayed), but there's just so many other places to go to that aren't as problematic as the US at the moment. Border guards with a bad reputation, government with a bad reputation, gun policy with a bad reputation, all things that I'm happy not entertaining as a tourist.
When it comes to tourism, the US certainly has a PR problem at the moment. Among my (admittedly, incredibly privileged) group of friends, all have expressed reluctance to visit the US in the past couple of years.
I've actively avoided the U.S. even though I still want to go, because of those same issues.
I even was a few meters from the U.S. (Niagara Falls) and avoided going because of all the visa complications and expenses plus the security measures (if it had been a given I'd be accepted I would have gone, but they don't like young unattached people saying they want to do "tourism", they expect we'll want to stay).
While managing a hostel in South American I met people from all over the world with horror stories about security and customs while simply transiting through the US for a matter of hours.
Hundreds and hundreds of travelers told me they would happily spent $1k extra on flights next time simply to avoid the United States. They don't want to go there ever again.
To be honest I am already avoiding to travel to the US as much as I can. No appetite for hours of queues at security and passport controls. Their airports are worst than many third world countries.
But you also don't hear from the people who decided not even to try to go to the US, and thus didn't get refused either. That's me since over a decade ago: the US doesn't get my tourist dollars, and gets fewer of my business dollars, as a consequence.