> Nevermind the fact that the existence of a government database of all the (potentially weird) porn you look at is a gold mine for anyone who wants to blackmail or pressure you into silence.
If you don't want a record of you looking at it, then don't look at it. All you need to do is refrain from pornography consumption. It really is that easy and simple.
> what happens on the internet, stays on the internet, leading to a lifetime of re-victimization
Nonsense. The odds of you stumbling upon a particular porn photo or video are miniscule unless you are specifically searching for it or it's very popular (which is very hard and not going to happen for unwilling pictures).
Particularly as most sites would take down images of you on request.
I am, and yet in 20+ years of asking people objecting to porn to provide evidence of harm, I've yet to come across anyone that have been able to provide anything remotely believable, so forgive me for not being convinced by a request to Google it.
Of all the places on your computer that might contain porn images, that would be one of the very top candidates.