Even the history, eh? That would definitely slow me down next time I want to go back to that same page. I guess I rely on the browser suggesting the previously visited website to me.
How could Google see the content of a browsing history?
They can see searching history, but generally not browsing history (unless someone uses something like synchronizing browser history through Google account).
Admittedly, you need a modern browser for that. But you can always present full-page-load HTML to users with older browsers and then provide AJAXy history-ified goodness to everyone else.
Yes, thanks to a modern web browser api called `history.pushState` web sites can modify your history [0]. Useful for single page apps where you want the back button to revert the page to previous states as if they were previous 'pages', abused by web publications the world over to insert a phantom subscription nag page to their website.
But if pushState didn't exist they could probably just hit that nag-page first and then load the desired page, hopefully fast enough for you not to notice.
Although that might have been the case some time ago, nowadays browser history is definitely not easily searchable unless you only need results from the last 90 days. Chrome purges them after that, and Firefox has a similar limit.