And to people whose lives were wrecked by addiction. Tens of thousands of dollars would be a welcome windfall to people on HN, but to these families it could even be life changing amounts of money. Sucks that their payout is now delayed indefinitely.
That $1.5 billion goes to saving lives and curing people, the $900 million goes to ending lives illegally. We could funnel that $900 million into Medicare and help a whole lot more people.
Good question. $1.5M is a lot of amount of money, but it will by no means fund all the patients, so there will always be treatments for donors to fund.
With hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue per year, I guess they should have donated more to the relevant Attorney Generals' campaign funds. My best wishes to all of the victims in this article.
It's always hard to put a monetary value on these things. With that said, Holocaust survivors were way underpaid.
In order for the policy to be a deterrent for the parents, the children need to endure suffering. I do not think that $450k will undo the damage done to those kids.
It's spent on scam charities that waste their resources handing out $75 boxes of syringes to junkies. You might as well set the money on fire--it would be less destructive than how the money is being spent now.