Personally I found zsh worth switching to even without spending any meaningful amount of time learning to use it. The better tab completion alone is enough to make up for the setup time and the occasional bashisms I try that don't work.
Definitely switch to zsh for interactive use, the differences are minimal enough it will not take any effort to switch. Even forgetting everything else just the superior tab complete is enough to make it worthwhile. Still use bash for scripts they will be more portable.
Like many, I have switched to zsh a few months back and have enjoyed the experience thanks to Oh-My-Zsh. I will give it a go, but I don't know if I can really appreciate the difference.
I tried to give zsh a shot as a bash replacement but ultimately returned to bash.
My main pain point was that zsh was really difficult to configure out of the box and a lot of the completions were much slower (cpu/wall time) than the equivalent completion in bash.
I'm sure some of that was simply ignorance on my part.
Seconded. I stuck to bash for a long time, and I regret not changing to zsh much earlier. It's like bash in all the ways bash is good, but with extra excellence thrown in to the bargain.
Sort of as others said, the nice thing about switching to zsh is that you get a lot of benefit _just_ by switching, and it is very similar in basic functioning to bash. It isn't like vim or emacs where you can't do basic tasks until you learn a bunch of specific keys.
The only reason I moved to zsh is because I'm lazy, and macOS ships with it by default.
Easier to change my other systems to zsh than fight it, but I've not really done anything different except some minor notices that it seems to autocomplete a tiny bit better (but that may be due to oh my zsh).
Even if the answer is "none", zsh will need to additionally defend "what is the advantage of zsh for someone who already knows how to use bash", as any form of switch is going to come with a cost. I would therefore be really interested in your reasons (I use bash, as currently do all of the people I know and work with; [edit: apparently except one]).
It seems like most of the features listed as better than bash are either a) covered by bash 4.0, b) bad ideas (shared history among sessions), or c) only controversially better (searching around, people seem to argue back/forth about which programmable completion implementation is faster/better).
Just using zsh as a drop-in replacement for bash is pointless. You'd need to discover its features and customize it to get added value.
As a simple example, in bash if you use tab completion and there are multiple options, pressing tab again just reminds you that there are multiple options accompanied by a passive aggressive beep (it used to be this way at least). zsh lets you cycle through the possible completions.
I'm really glad I switched from bash to zsh a few years ago. zsh is, IMHO, a tiny bit better than bash in many areas. Because I use it all day every day, these little bits better add up to a lot of benefit.
That's actually the first time I've seen a decent set of reasons why zsh is worth using. Well done.
Almost every other "Switch from bash to zsh, it has this awesome killer feature" article I've seen has raved about a feature that's available in Bash & has been for years.
I'm starting at a new job in a month or so, I shall try & use it as an opportunity to switch to zsh since I won't have any can't-live-without bash shortcuts in place at that point.
(Last time I tried switch to zsh, it took OMZ to get it useable, but it also made it too slow to live with. Hopefully starting with a clean slate will do the trick)
I once had a fairly elaborate zsh setup but over the years I've gradually migrated back to a more minimalistic bash environment instead. The dwim of some of the more exotic zsh completion functions just didn't seem to save me that much time in practice.