Don't use any of the spoilers, image maps or sites that stich it together, it is much more enjoyable when you discover the entire image through the viewport dimensions as originally intended.
It is also much more enjoyable when you don't know what to expect
I struggled with this a lot. Originally set that ending overview at the beginning, but was worried that practically a lot of users might miss the main feature. I've heard from a lot of people that they were surprised it went into the 3D view, and I think some people might see the plot and just assume that's it.
I do actually go to Wikipedia and other places to spoil the plot outline to myself. Makes it much easier to focus on the implementation of the story rather than having to focus on both story and implementation.
>Spoilers have been studied and proven to not significantly diminish enjoyment and can even enhance it.
Then feel free to read articles that spoil things. I don't want to; I didn't read this article because someone was nice enough to tell me there were spoilers. Thanks!
Well, I want to avoid spoilers, but I want to tell you that one particular (or 'special') visual creation that aired today has something related to a part of this subject.
I thought the same thing, but unfortunately a lot of spoilers come in the form of images. Or maybe fortunately, since it adds an interesting layer of complexity to this idea.
To be honest it's a strange thing to rot13. I get why OP did it, but I'm really not sure the benefit outweighs the negatives or that it accomplished what it was supposed to. Those aren't exactly spoilers in the same way as visual media, where a fraction of a second can reveal the whole story.
I wasn't planning on it, but I feel somewhat spoiled by your warning, actually. Maybe I shouldn't, but I can't help make certain assumptions when given a character's name and that there are major spoilers on the level you've described. : /
It's a spoiler if surprise enhances the enjoyment. If there are works for which that is not the case at all, they cannot be spoiled. I'm not aware of any, are you?
It is also much more enjoyable when you don't know what to expect