It is very useful just be careful when switching between shells and hitting the up arrow to get the previous command, as you may get something from another shell.
Off topic hijack - I'm trying to find a tool I feel was probably mentioned here at one point - a REPL for shell.
If I recall correctly, you would open up the repl and start typing a command, and the output would refresh as you typed. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
Thanks for the second link. I go there every few weeks but never thought to check out the top voted.
...In hindsight, of course...
The gem I just plucked out is something I've been curious about for a while but never looked up:
The shell will take what you've written on the command
line thus far and paste it into the editor specified by
$EDITOR [then run it when saved]
Similar to `fc` except you don't need to run the command before invoking the editor