Unless I'm totally missing the point of the instant search feature, this is definitely something you can do in Emacs[1], and something I believe I've seen co-workers do in Sublime.
I built https://grephub.com for that. It doesn’t maintain an index so it’s not super snappy, but it’s good enough / better than you’d expect in many cases!
Since you mentioned Bitbucket's file search, fzf[1] immediately springs to my mind. I don't know how well it would scale to your use case but it supports pattern and regexp based searching.
I've thought about just making a simpler shell script that turns a valid `fd` query into the obscure `mdfind` incantation. And you can use `-onlyin ...` to limit the search to a particular dir just like fd/find. Might get around to it!
You could easily do this with Elasticsearch. I've created a search UI(http://www.github.com/romansanchez/calaca) for Elasticsearch, which is what I think you're trying to do. You may want to recreate it on your own for learning purposes.
I made and use https://historio.us. It gives me full text search on my bookmarks, so I can find stuff right away easily. I need to update it, but it works well.
You could just use something like https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/ and have working fuzzy-search out of the box (with VIM-like key bindings if you like)