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You can also get the same functionality with ZSH using https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search

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See other post, there's a solution for most of your history search problems and it's called fzf.



Unless I'm totally missing the point of the instant search feature, this is definitely something you can do in Emacs[1], and something I believe I've seen co-workers do in Sublime.

[1] https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-ag

Yup, just make a custom search for "http://devdocs.io/#q={query}".

I built https://grephub.com for that. It doesn’t maintain an index so it’s not super snappy, but it’s good enough / better than you’d expect in many cases!

For searching, https://grep.app/ is one of my favourite tools.

Can this search browser history? I've seen browserparrot[0] for this purpose but it's a bit abandoned from what I can tell.


You may try instant-search zim plugin [1].

[1]: https://github.com/e3rd/zim-plugin-instantsearch

I made something similar, with and/or/not full text searching


Since you mentioned Bitbucket's file search, fzf[1] immediately springs to my mind. I don't know how well it would scale to your use case but it supports pattern and regexp based searching.

[1]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf

For Linux users I can recommmend FSearch, which is inspired by Everything Search. http://www.fsearch.org/

Its not as comprehensive as the github search (I don't have the same hooks into the data they do) but this http://searchco.de/?q=format(args%20lang%3AGo and http://searchco.de/?q=format(args%20repo%3Agodis%20lang%3AGo respects your query as you would expect.

You might want try `ack` then. (http://betterthangrep.com/).

On Ubuntu/Debian systems, it is packaged as `ack-grep`.

There is! Found a simple example: https://gist.github.com/dagronf/3d03094a7ee79c1f91607f4c365f...

I've thought about just making a simpler shell script that turns a valid `fd` query into the obscure `mdfind` incantation. And you can use `-onlyin ...` to limit the search to a particular dir just like fd/find. Might get around to it!

You could easily do this with Elasticsearch. I've created a search UI(http://www.github.com/romansanchez/calaca) for Elasticsearch, which is what I think you're trying to do. You may want to recreate it on your own for learning purposes.

I made and use https://historio.us. It gives me full text search on my bookmarks, so I can find stuff right away easily. I need to update it, but it works well.

You could just use something like https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/ and have working fuzzy-search out of the box (with VIM-like key bindings if you like)

For Linux users there is "notmuch" for full-text searching. http://notmuchmail.org

Uses the excellent Xapian library to perform just about any search you'd need.

Yes. You can also use regular expressions to limit your search. Details: https://docs.github.com/en/search-github/github-code-search/...

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