Been planning on making an app that does this based on current location. The government in South Australia lists source information like this along with almost every named street, suburb, etc. Should be standard worldwide IMO.
I'd love to see more of the sort of information for other cities, seems like it could be brought together in some sort of wiki or OSM-based system to allow crowd-sourced data.
There are lots of street numbers around parts of Brisbane (probably some of the most comprehensive are around Fairfield to South Brisbane). It's pretty easy to add - I traced my neighborhood and added address data in a couple of hours.
If you want to make the world a better place, you could do some around your house as well!
If you ever want a free source of geographical and street data, this is the way to go. Some local cities, counties and states also offer even more up to date files (I find the census one to be a few months out dated for new streets and neighbourhoods).
Just a thought. You could do some interesting reporting on this data. What about finding all trips to a particular address e.g. a politician's house ? Or finding all taxis exiting a known crime sense.
Given most of these cities run streets north or south I'd love the streets to have Lat (N-S) or Long (E-W) followed by the subset of GPS co-ordinates that are unique within the location.
For pure estimates 8 digits (within their grid) give 10 meter accuracy which should be enough, so choosing the full "min+second" (truncated, no sub-seconds) listing or the first 4 digits (truncate off 10 thousandths) from the lat or long should suffice.
This would also have a bonus of making anyplace addressable (in a postal sense) by it's GPS co-ordinates.