Good idea, but you shouldn't overwrite ctrl-O, which is a wildly useful function in bash: run current command in history and retrieve the next. If you want to re-run a sequence of several history commands, you can find the first in history (such as via ctrl-R reverse-isearch), then repeatedly hit ctrl-O to run it and retrieve the next command from history.
My favorite bash trick is still Ctrl-O: submit command and advance history by one.
If you ever find yourself counting up-arrows to repeat a sequence of commands (that aren't worth scripting for whatever reason), next time, go to the top of the list and hit Ctrl-O. The result is the the command runs, and the one after it in the history is loaded into you prompt.
In many bash configurations, ctrl-o is bound to 'operate-and-get-next’. If you hit up 20x, you should then be able to hit ctrl-o to run that command, and your history will automatically go to the next command down. Check it out, it’s great!
In addition, I think bash's `operate-and-get-next` can be very helpful. When you go back through your shell history, you can hit Ctrl+o instead of enter and it will execute the command then put the next one in your history on the command line, and keep track of where you are in your history. This way, you can rerun a bunch of commands by going to the first one and Ctrl+o till you are done. And you can edit those commands and hit Ctrl+o and still go to the next previously run command.
I learnt something handy in BASH recently - operate-and-get-next (Ctrl-o). If you type:
$ echo one
$ echo two
$ echo three
Then up-arrow back to 'echo one'. Then press Ctrl-o instead of enter it will execute the command and display the following one in your history ('echo two' in this case).
Looks like this doesn't support Ctrl-O (run line and retrieve next line from history). I've found that incredibly useful for re-running a series of commands: Ctrl-R to reverse search, type a few letters, Ctrl-O Ctrl-O Ctrl-O.
Instead of aliasing common commands, I make heavy use of Ctrl-r at the command prompt to search the history.
So if I have a complex command I want to run several times, I'll type it out in full the first time. After that, I'll hit Ctrl-r and start typing part of the command until it shows the one I mean, then hit enter to run it.
Also, another way to find past commands you run `history | grep <whatever-you-are-looking-for>` and works wonders; or as other users have mentioned, Ctrl-R works too.
Better yet, just set your history to 10k-20k+ items and use reverse-search (ie. Ctrl+r in bash) to recall your old commands. Navigation aside, about 80-90% of commands I use regularly are already in the shell history.
Last year a friend taught me about the bash trick "CTRL-R" <start typing 'ssh' or some other previously run command> on the command line for reverse history searching, and it is an amazing time saver. It acts as a great alternative to #8, "Find the last command that begins with “whatever,” but avoid running it"
Tip: Bash reverse search, because manually scrolling through your history is a nuisance.
How (OS X): CTRL+R, start typing a word from your command history. Press CTRL+R to cycle through matches, ENTER to execute, TAB to edit. If you want to add forward search to bash, you can re-map your key bindings in your bash profile with the following (maps to CTRL+T): bind "\C-t":forward-search-history
When dealing with bash history, I find that too many people are still unaware of C-r (Ctrl+R or Command+R): press it and start typing unique bits of your past commands. If multiple commands match, cycle through them with repeated C-r presses.
My biggest problem with it is it breaks operate-and-get-next (Ctrl+O). So I still have to manually walk back in my history if I want to rerun a sequence of commands.
> operate-and-get-next (C-o)
> Accept the current line for execution and fetch the next line relative to the current line from the history for editing. A numeric argument, if supplied, specifies the history entry to use instead of the current line.