Semi off topic, but what happened to this website, used to be the top result when searching for services, now even when I search alternative to x it often won’t be on the first page.
I was looking for it again today, but can't find any trace of it.
There was also a blog post about it at which seems to have disappeared as well.
TTAG was about aggregating retail product mentions on Twitter, FB, and other social media sites, which (supposedly) was a better leading indicator of stock prices than other estimates.
There's just too many alternatives and the market is crowded. Even with paying customers, they're focusing on other they won't update the site for a while. If they bring it back, by the time they do, a better alternative wins and they go back into shutting it down. The gif is ok.
Yeah it's also possible they temporarily took it down because of the flood of users that were slowing down the whole site for everyone. Potential for it to be back but the rate limits are really low, something like 2 queries per user per day