> It’s not like anyone is using Python 3 anyway, so take some chances. Break things.
Well, people start using it now. I'm teaching Python classes exclusively in Python 3, and do all my personal projects in Python 3 and love it.
I would like to finally have a "stable" Python 3 with forward compatibility. This is important for the future of the language, else no-one would invest in it.
>There is a high probability that Python 3 is such a failure it will kill Python.
This seems unlikely. Python 2 is a very popular language. There is currently more than one implementation. So no matter how weird the Python 3 thing gets, Python 2 should be available in some form.
Python 3 is actually helping Python 2 here. It attracts those who want to do cool new language things, leaving Python 2 as a stable target.
>Now the problem is getting people to realize that...
I realize it, but (1) even after large libraries support 3 there will still be a long tail of libraries that aren't ported (and will never be), and (2) I see very little value in porting our very large code bases to Python 3, with its breaking changes and subtle behavioral differences that need to be thoroughly tested. There's no must-have feature for us to justify that effort, so we won't be making the switch for the foreseeable future.
IMO Python should have put a lot more effort into backwards compatibility when releasing Python 3. I'm genuinely concerned that this release has killed Python, and I'm not alone.
> It boggles the imagination that anybody is still clinging to Python 2 at this point in the game. I guess they have their reasons, but man, oh man... from an outsider perspective, this feels very questionable.
If you're running a company would you prefer to ask your developers to spend their time upgrading to Python 3 for mostly syntactical sugar or adding new features? Python 3 is a complete disaster. It's not a newer version of the language, it's an entirely different language.
Which is the point of the article and P3's biggest problem: All the things surrounding it.
The people behind Python seems desperate to push everybody to Python 3, mostly by telling people how much better Python 3 is than Python 2. But the thing is, that doesn't matter when the environment surrounding Python 3 is considerably worse than for Python 2.
Really this topic is coming to an end. Most libraries support Python 3 and if they don't there's better alternatives.
For new users and new projects there's no reason now except personal preference to choose Python 2 and in fact beginners who start with Python 2 are just instantly incurring a learning debt upon themselves to be paid down the track when they have to move to Python 3.
The community has some extremely vocal Python2 diehards but their arguments no longer hold water.
>>why has Python 3 adoption been so slow?
Whatever, it's just history now.
>Also Python is the poster child of what happens when you throw compatibility away.
And what, exactly, happened?
For years I avoided Python3. Updating my code base was a hassle I did not want to deal with.
Finally, a few months ago, I had some spare time and took the dive.
And nothing bad happened. I did not even spend hours on it. At this point, all the libraries I need exist for Python3, and the automated tools update my code for Python3 without manual intervention almost every time.
> So, years later, the only thing I'm surprised at is that Python 3 actually caught on to the extent it did.
Well, it's been over 8 years. And we've just reached the point where nearly all libraries are available in Python3, and Python3 is recommended for starting new projects.
Python3 was also a very unconventional backwards incompatible change. 90% of the incompatibility came from "you must correctly and carefully handle unicode vs bytes". All other backwards incompatible changes were trivial in comparison, almost fixable by search and replace.
And "careful handling of unicode vs bytes" was something that you already could do in Python2, and should do in Python2, but weren't forced to. If you did, then upgrade to Python3 was easy. If not, then you had a massive testing and refactoring problem on your hands.
I would not even see it as a language change, but would compare it to C and C++ compilers turning -Wall -Werror on as mandatory flags in the latest release. It would be sort of "good for the ecosystem" in the long term, but would also be a lot of effort for people with legacy codebases.
> The only useful feature in Python 3 to me is more liberal use of unpacking.
Unfortunately, this ignores composing software. Your user may use things you don’t. The result: your software won’t get used as a library. That may be fine! More power to you. Just don’t drag anyone else down to 2 with you. :)
Personally, python 2’s print keyword/statement is infuriatingly inconsistent with the rest of the language; the network modules are a mess, organizationally; there’s no async support; the unicode support makes me want to stab my eyes out. I don’t mean to convince you (I’m not very convincing...) just to give an opportunity to hedge your statement with empathy for everyone who did decide to move on. Surely you must have any commentary that doesn’t reduce to “I don’t like change”, right?
Python without py3k is just old software that is end of lifing soon, after all :)
>We've got more reasonable, less drastic tools. Maybe push those to be used more efficiently, instead of inviting a new Python 3 fiasco.
Most people I know who complain about the Python 3 transition are not heavy Python programmers.
Migrating to Python 3 was certainly a pain, but not really a major one. The number of developers who fled Python because of this is miniscule. If the Python 3 transition is the poster child of "things going wrong" with backward incompatible changes, I would heartily recommend other languages make those incompatible changes.
> So I decided not to invest in a language that can't make up it's mind
It's a bit unfair to try to group the actions of vast swaths of people under the same banner, and penalize them for not acting in concert.
Why isn't the entire Python community using 100% Python3 right now? Because they are a disparate group of people with differing motivations and goals. It's only been in the last year that some major projects have started to support Python3 (e.g. Django). Not everyone has the luxury of spending all their time porting over existing code-bases to Python3 the moment that it's possible.
> Surelly with a bit of backward compatibility sacrificed like 2 vs 3.
After 10 years, the 2to3 transition is still ongoing, and lots of companies will be dealing with python2 code for a long, long time. Breaking backward compatibility was a terrible decision. Breaking it again now that most libraries and open source projects have finally moved to python3 would be suicide.
Programming languages should take backward compatibility as one of their most important features, because of the hundreds of millions of lines of code already written and that would need to be changed and validated. This is especially true in a dynamic language where you can't even rely on the compiler to point out the issues.
>i keep looking for a reason to switch to python 3 and cant find one.
Unicode? Not having to deal with encoding all over the place has been well worth switch to Python 3. If performance is a a huge issue, I honestly don't know why you would stay on Python (regardless of version)
I wouldn't want to switch back to Python 2.7 is I can avoid it. There's honestly no reason not to go with 3.4 or 3.5 at this point, unless you happen to have a large Python 2 code base.
> I understand that for some people this is great: I don't think anyone is actively complaining that Python 3 shouldn't exist, more that it's existence at the detriment of Python 2 snubbed a very large community of people.
There's a very simple solution, for those that can't/won't upgrade: Fork it. Work on OldNewPython 2.8. The core devs of Python want to work on Python 3, so that's where we're headed. There's no need to argue technical merits of Python 2 vs 3, the simple fact is that the development momentum is with Python 3 now.
Open source is a do-ocracy. Bring together your other like minded devs to work on Python 2 and keep on keeping on. We can't expect the core devs to keep maintaining an old version of Python. A lot of them are doing this for fun or as a hobby.
>Writing new code in Python 2 is completely nuts and just makes everyone's life harder (including your own).
And when it makes someone's life harder, they will change. If it's too late for them and affects them, they will have themselves to blame.
This, really, is the only reason for people to change to Python3. Yet people keep evangelizing all its great features, etc as if the existence of a much better language suddenly obligates everyone to switch to it.
It's fine to point out potential repercussions of not switching now. But moralizing it is counterproductive.
They are not skeptical. Nobody thinks "yeah if I just wait long enough, Python 3 will go away and 2.8 will come out".
They just don't see an incentive to update. Simple as that. It is basic economics of time and money.
Python 2 wasn't terrible and Python 3 isn't dramatically better. Unicode and other stuff in Python 3 is nice. Is it nice enough to start digging into stable, working, money making code just to say "Yay, Python 3"? I think the development community has spoken by how it was handled. It's gonna happen but it will happen at a very slow pace.
Imagine this alternative scenario -- "Python 3 brings 3x speed improvement + removed GIL". Ok, I bet you, there would have been a much faster adoption because now there is a greater incentive to justify it. People would think "Yeah, I'll destabilize my code a bit but I gain performance, I can do that".
Someone in a sibling comment suggested "They should have just stopped updating security patches for 2.7, that would have forced them to use 3.0". That's ok if Python holds a monopoly on development languages. But it doesn't. As soon as that happens developers will not just look at updating to Python 3, they'll start looking at other ecosystems: Go, Elixir, Java, Clojure, Scala, NodeJS etc.
> The main reason for Python 2 users to not switch to Python 3 is the lack of motivation/killer features. We need to therefore be more proactive in encouraging people to switch to Python 3 by (a) making sure that any new users are always directed to the latest Python 3 version, and (b) releasing, in the near future, new major versions of packages for Python 3 only, while maintaining long term bugfix support for Python 2 versions.
That's the evil right there. Read carefully what's written.
"The main reason for Python 2 users to not switch to Python 3 is the lack of motivation/killer features". Which says that users are familiar with what Python 3 has to offer but consider it not good enough. Why would you then jump to a conclusion that you have to be more proactive in directing people to switch to Python 3. Or even better, to stop adding features to what 81% of people use.
Well, people start using it now. I'm teaching Python classes exclusively in Python 3, and do all my personal projects in Python 3 and love it.
I would like to finally have a "stable" Python 3 with forward compatibility. This is important for the future of the language, else no-one would invest in it.