> it is practically always trivial for a Python2 programmer to write new code in Python3.
Until you need to use some library that doesn't support python3. I think I've made the transition from python3 to python2 more than I have the other way around.
> 1) some libraries I actually wanted to use were still 2
For anyone still in this situation, re-evaluate them - that issue is mostly solved.
Python 2 is deprecated. It's no longer supported after 2020. There's no point in using it for new projects, unless there's a very good reason. You're missing out on lots of incredibly cool features like asyncio and static type checking.
There's even an increasing number of Python 3-only libraries.
> meh, there isn't (still) any reason to really jump onboard python 3, 2.7 is good enough for me
You're siding with a shrinking ecosystem (Python 2) over a growing ecosystem. Depending on your use case, this could range from inconsequential to inconvenient to disastrous.
If you have an existing codebase in Python 2, then perhaps the conversion to 3 isn't worth the effort. But if you're developing new software, the question is why not make the minimal investment to make your work compatible with the future of the language? When I see a new library and the author couldn't be bothered to adopt Python 3, it's a big red flag.
> As Python 2.x is still the default Python on many system and there are a fair number of research codes out there based on Python 2, we will use Python 2.x in this book.
This is so unfortunate. Scientific computing is riddled with technical debt and starting with Python 2 today is fairly irresponsible. If you're already invested in Python 2 and have code/training written up, fine. But if you're learning it just now, as the book's audience obviously is, picking Python 3 should be a no brainer.
> I see very little value in porting our very large code bases to Python 3
That's too bad. We've started writing all new code in 3, and now I can't stand working with 2. It feels clunky and old in comparison. A year ago I never would have believed I could feel that way, but I do: I will not willingly (that is, absent strong business reasons) write Python 2 code again.
> Both sides are extremely persuasive and thus I felt that no matter what choice I made it was the wrong one and would haunt me down the line.
It really isn't that big or hard of a decision. For the vast majority of projects, the choice doesn't matter, so I'd default to Python 3 at this point. Really, the only reason to choose Python 2 for a new project is compatibility with libraries you need[0], but the list of Py3-incompatible libraries is constantly getting smaller and smaller.
That said, if you already have a lot of Python 2 code written, there probably isn't any point to upgrading--the benefits are marginal at best, and it can be a lot of work to migrate a large code base.
[0]: Here's a pretty good reference for Python 3 support in popular libraries: http://py3readiness.org/
>Python 2 is slowly being EOL'd and if you're starting a brand new Django project there's no reason on earth you should choose Python 2 anymore.
Except that there are still some critical packages that aren't on Python 3 yet. Not to mention a lot of functionality breaks even if the libraries do exist, which means you have to code things up quite differently sometimes.
Yes. From a false sense of "we know better than you what's good for you". And also from not being connected to actual business and end user needs.
>There are no issues with Python 2?
That's irrelevant. There are issues with Python 3. Besides, the issues that Python 3 fixed over 2 are marginal at best and most could be retroffited to 2.x (as this 2.8 release proves). Nothing earth shattering to make the transition worth it.
>Nobody is really forcing you to not use Python 2, just as nobody is forcing you not to use FORTRAN 77 or COBOL 74. It's just that the language will not evolve anymore, and as far as runtime goes, you will be on your own eventually.
It's more likely that Python will suffer from people moving to other languages (and already, first Rails and then JS have won the server side over Python big time, and JS looks poised to be more general use too), than that anything good will comes out of this "you're free to use 2.x, it just wont be updated anymore".
>But this is all wrong – we should be teaching new users to use Python 3! New users won't thank you if you teach them Python 2 and they have to migrate all their scripts to Python 3 in a few years...
Believe me, they won't have to. Python 2 will stay with us for a loooong time, and most NEW web stuff AND scientific work is done with it.
>However, the Python developers have now stated that there will be no Python 2.8 release. Essentially, no new features are going to be added to Python 2. In fact, after 2020 (which is not so far in the future), Python 2 will no longer be supported.
Yeah, let's see how this works out. After all it's the same guys who said that Python 3 transition would end with 3 being the default choice by 2014.
> There is a perfectly other language available called Python 2, it has the larger user base and that user base is barely at all migrating over. At the moment it's just very frustrating.
I come from a different perspective, I looked at the benefits of Python 3 and looked at my existing code base and how it would be better if was written in Python 3 and apart from bragging rights, and having a few built-in modules (that now I get externally) it wouldn't actually be better.
To put it plainly, Python 3, for me, doesn't offer anything at the moment. There is no carrot at the end. I have not seen any problems with Unicode yet. Not saying they might not be lurking there, I just haven't seen them. And, most important, Python 2 doesn't have any stick beating me on the head with, to justify migrating away from it. It is just a really nice language, fast, easy to work with, plenty of libraries.
From from _my_ perspective Python 3 came at the wrong time and offered the wrong thing. I think it should have happened a lot earlier, I think to justify incompatibilities it should have offered a lot more, for example:
* Increased speed (a JIT of some sort)
* Some new built-in concurrency primitives or technologies (something greenlet or message passing based).
* Maybe a built-in web framework (flask) or something like requests or ipython.
It is even hard to come with a list, just because Python 2 with its library ecosystem is already pretty good.
Really this topic is coming to an end. Most libraries support Python 3 and if they don't there's better alternatives.
For new users and new projects there's no reason now except personal preference to choose Python 2 and in fact beginners who start with Python 2 are just instantly incurring a learning debt upon themselves to be paid down the track when they have to move to Python 3.
The community has some extremely vocal Python2 diehards but their arguments no longer hold water.
>>why has Python 3 adoption been so slow?
Whatever, it's just history now.
> The only useful feature in Python 3 to me is more liberal use of unpacking.
Unfortunately, this ignores composing software. Your user may use things you don’t. The result: your software won’t get used as a library. That may be fine! More power to you. Just don’t drag anyone else down to 2 with you. :)
Personally, python 2’s print keyword/statement is infuriatingly inconsistent with the rest of the language; the network modules are a mess, organizationally; there’s no async support; the unicode support makes me want to stab my eyes out. I don’t mean to convince you (I’m not very convincing...) just to give an opportunity to hedge your statement with empathy for everyone who did decide to move on. Surely you must have any commentary that doesn’t reduce to “I don’t like change”, right?
Python without py3k is just old software that is end of lifing soon, after all :)
There is a lot more useful code and libraries out there for python 2.