Yes, the Go web prototyping story is a bit weak. If you want to do serious development in it I think it's pretty good, because frankly for years our web frameworks in most other languages have been unbelievably contorted around not having something like goroutines in ways that we've stopped even being able to see because they're so darned pervasive, but if you just want to slam a decent site out (and there's nothing wrong with that) there's no great story there right now.
Maybe, but I don't think that's what Rob Pike envisaged when designed Go.
It looks to me like Go was aiming for low level use. It seems odd that we're trying to use it for web development, its like making web frameworks in C; possible sure but not the best/easiest tool for the job.
I'm not hating, I'm just pointing out the fact we should use the right tools rather than shoe horn something in that's new.
This +100. I'm not sure who, other than fanboys, would argue that Go is on par with other languages when it comes to building a standard web app. Just take html templating as an example. Go feels like a kludge when it comes to this.
As someone who is also really enjoying Go, I think you need to add a huge, gigantic disclaimer before making a statement like this: Go's ecosystem of web development packages is in its infancy. You're not going to find any super-well-documented, super mature/stable web frameworks (thought a few are showing great promise). and some of the individual components (for example, Gorilla) are looking very good, but still have some more cooking to do.
I love the language, but let's not get too carried away until the ecosystem grows. The reality is, if you're going to use Go for web dev, you're going to need to be prepared to do a whole lot of things on your own.
The Go community is just not that big into web development. There are web frameworks (eg. Revel) but they're not seeing that much traction. I truly love Go but I just don't think it's a good building material for more than a JSON API - for which it is awesome BTW.
Can't speak about the Haskell community though. To the extent I know the language I probably wouldn't want to use it to create HTML forms, either.
I am so glad that my company chose to write the majority of our web oriented frameworks in Go. It's simple to the point of boring for most of this stuff.
But that's the minimum, i.e. a Hello World. A Go framework that actually has the same level of functionality would surely be much larger. And besides, JS libraries of that size are a bad thing - JS developers have spent a long time working on things like code splitting to get page load times as low as possible. It'll be a huge shame if we throw all that out with WebAssembly.
Not a go dev but I have dabbled. I get the impression that the sweet spot for go is not in building standard crud web apps but for specialised network services and tooling. For those reasons big heavy frameworks don’t seem popular.
I once did a web-project in Go just for the tooling. What I gained there was lost in the verbosity and the write everything from scratch mentality when it comes to webdev in Go.
I love Go, for many situations, but definitely not for a typical user facing website.
The community seems bent on the whole "all you need is net/http", but that just isn't practical in modern web development. People like ORMs, easy to handle html forms, security as a default, easy session/cookie handling etc. In the end, web developers want ease of life.
Go is a great language for many things, but if it's going to take on the web at large (outside of HTTP APIs), the community needs to grow out of this "net/http or nothing" approach.
There is some hope, some frameworks like are showing up, but the Go ecosystem is dying for a Rails/Django solution.
I'm a full-time Golang developer, the last product I shipped was a Rails app, and my career started in the 90s as a shrink-wrap C software developer. Golang is an unpleasant environment in which to build web applications:
* Good SQL persistence abstractions aren't there yet, so realistic SQL-backed applications depend on writing tons of raw SQL and (worse) parsing results. Like a savage.
* Golang's built-in templating is good for self-contained full templates but not great for hierarchies of templates and partials.
* Golang's net/http library is so good that it's a gravity well for other request handling abstractions, so that sessions, CSRF tokens, and access control either have to be built directly on Golang's equivalent of Rack, or inevitably get put into libraries that conceal too much of net/http.
"Going with the flow" and writing idiomatic Golang code feels a lot like writing those Sinatra apps where you get 1/3rd of the way through and regret not just using Rails.
You can totally write a good web app in Golang, especially if you're doing minimal serverside HTML generation and leaning on something like React or Angular or Ember instead. But it's not what Golang is best at.
Meanwhile, Scala is both a language designed in part for serverside web apps and built on the JVM.
If you're writing a web application, where your functionality is exposed by a port 443 that Firefox connects to directly and asks for "/" from, I'd prefer Scala to Golang.
Reasonable people can disagree or object to any of this, but I'm not going to waste time sugarcoating.
Go is definitely promising but the last time I checked the problem with web development with Go was that there is no mature libraries for User authentication etc(Please correct me if I'm wrong). This makes going with Node or something like Rails more tempting.
Go also has true closures and easy concurrency support, both of which are very handy in UI development.
My beef with Go is weak web-programming and prototyping support and immature libraries. I'm surprised there's been so much uptake in the Ruby/Python communities, which are very strong in those areas, but I guess Ruby/Python are now being used outside their original domains and those use-cases are pretty ripe for a language like Go.
I've been writing a web app with Go for the past weeks, and for what I can say is that yes, Go has less magic in it, and if you don't do it right, you'll get a lot of duplicated code. It's not designed from the ground up as a web language so it might not be as suitable to write web apps using Go as other languages, but it's a real pleasure to write in Go.
The development speed isn't very good with Go because you have to re-invent almost everything yourself because the web libs are seriously years behind other platforms.
The default template language is also really archaic and no one has created a solid alternative yet that's actually well tested and used by the masses.
It might have good execution speed and the language itself might be nice but the only thing that matters is going from point A to point B. Go will not get you there faster than other languages and the execution speed is a non-issue for pretty much every platform (even rails) if you use tools available to you to their fullest.
I compared Go to Node almost a year ago and even wrote a mini framework for Go to resemble a smaller version of Express. I eventually just said fk it and stopped because the gains were not even close to being worth it.