not sure, but I wanted to say thanks for the
C as a functional language links you replied with earlier. Comments are off after 14 days so I couldn't say thank you there. The closest was the function pointer one, but it still wasn't the one I remember.
Wow, just noticed this. I'm the guy who paid for Little, a bunch of other people did all the work.
I'm surprised to see it getting some attention but happily so. Little is what I'd like C to evolve towards, there is a lot of useful (to me) stuff in the language.
I'll wander through the comments and reply where I can.
This sounds awesome. C is my preferred language and I use it whenever I can and when it makes sense. I'd love to see this code. Is there a public repo for it?
Thanks for that link! It looks like something that I could comprehend. My C programming skills are pretty limited -- I learned C to move myself one step away from assembly language on microcontrollers.
Personally, I think the most interesting part was the link to a student who used Scheme to generate a really fast C implementation of a matrix-multiply algorithm, which beat all C code except for one that included hand-coded assembly (and with additional improvements could have beat that, too).
I love this, thank you. It’s a topic I’ve oft thought about, and I’m having fun reading through the code - I was just thinking earlier today that I need to brush up on my C, as I was going through some of my own, old, code, I can barely follow.