For whoever doesn't know what Enigmail is... it's a security add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird. It allows you to use OpenPGP to encrypt and digitally sign your emails and to decrypt and verify the messages received.
I am a bit sad that the release notes say nothing about encryption.
PGP support was (for me) the big thing about thunderbird 78. It was a bit rough around the edges (in terms of UI and extension support) but I expected it to improve with subsequent releases. Now it sounds like they did not iterate on encryption at all (apart from fixing a few bugs).
(This is from reading the release notes. I did not yet have time to test the new version.)
You'll be happy to learn that the P=P folks are most likely going to be handling full end to end encryption integration for Thunderbird, for the current version, and the new one (if it happens):
> About two years ago, Thunderbird decided to integrate Enigmail into Thunderbird and simultaneously replace GnuPG with RNP. That Thunderbird has selected RNP is not only an endorsement of RNP, but it means that RNP became perhaps the most used OpenPGP implementation for mail encryption.
Firefox is sorta doing this too, baking in the functionality of addons so we don't have to install addons and keep them updated (which is also a security risk since addon authors are usually tempted to change the ownership of the codebase and introduce bad actors). You can run firefox now with their HTTPS-Only mode, aswell as block tracking attempts with 'strict mode'. You can even spoof the useragent with the `resistFingerprinting` flag which is awesome.
As far as I know encryption wasn't removed in 7.2, just disabled via error messages. You could just fork it given the new license and reenable encryption, right?