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Someone interested would have to scroll a while to see your skills, which are in the footer. Otherwise, seems like you fixed the href mistake in your first paragraph since I looked at this earlier.

Looks goood so far - I just think you can seperate some stuff out into sub pages or something.


"Home" page Projects/Portfolio Bio


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Very cool! I have something similar (http://TJBiddle.info) but your page has much more friendly feel to it - My design skills aren't very good :-) - And my JS is/was pretty horrendous, definitely need to re-write when I get some time.

Definitely throw in some more details about your work history and what not - Add more commands! Just having a LinkedIn button on the bottom isn't quite enough in my opinion.

Great job!

Nice work! Like the OS feel. I don't think you need to link your skills page out to the various related websites, that takes the visitor away from your portfolio. Instead maybe show some examples of what you've done with each skill.

Hi Michael, This is great work! Just a couple of quick notes: 1. You should consider shortening the scrolling length of the page. Maybe you can get rid of the logos (or resize them) and also get rid of the blank space. 2. Your homepage should give provide an immediate reference point to hiring professionals. As such, try to include more detailed information about yourself and your projects on that project. For example, "I am a developer" is a pretty generic statement (plus, it occupies way too much real estate on the page). Instead, you can add references to your projects and languages. 3. Adding your proficiency in each language is a great idea. However, you can better display this proficiency through projects and your Github code....It might be an idea to add more details about your projects, including the front-end for HR professionals to look at... Hope this helps...Good luck!

Dang. It wasn't meant to be a thing that you navigate through - it was just a little preview of the actual portfolio page. I guess I didn't communicate that clearly. Thanks for the feedback.

Hey, thanks for this helpful feedback! I will update my page accordingly. I do talk about one of my bigger projects in the blog link, but I agree it should be highlighted up front.

Its a good looking site, a few comments.

* The ruby icon doesn't match the rest

* the blue h1's are a little 2d. Try a webfont or a background image, use dribbble for inspiration: http://dribbble.com/shots/668114-Web-search-user-interface?l...

* I didn't even notice the navigation at the top. Same issue with the title font in the nav. Also there's more padding below the title than above.

* For the little squares under skills maybe you could put together something using a javascript graph library? Add something interactive to the page that also shows off your skills.

* You lose the page nav when you go to resume

* theres no need for projects to have its own page yet. You could move the projects to the home page and use anchor links in the nav,

* Perhaps you can add more to the header. "I'm X, I do this that the other I can do this for you I have worked here. These are my clients" You're work should stand out more than a 1 line introduction.

* You should definitely put a link to your github page on the front page.

* Might be worth commenting your CSS/HTML, my first thought is to always look to see if a developer is a good commenter!

Hope there's something helpful in there! I tend to go on a bit, especially when there's mismatched padding!

Thank you for the feedback! You're right, I definitely should do that, now adding an about page is next on my todo list)

Thanks for the feedback. I was trying to alternate the screenshot and text of the projects to break the monotony. I'll go look into that more.

I was afraid that by putting the projects on a stand alone page I would lose the part people actually cared about. I'll also give that more thought.

Thank you for checking it out. :)

Thanks! They're arranged mostly arbitrarily, but I put the "large" logos at the bottom since I was originally hoping to have a 64x64 icon for every link.

For location, I was thinking of just having an input where you could type your location, and any link that supports location filtering would be updated automatically. Do you think that would be sufficient?

I'm not sure what you mean by skill based filter - I was thinking of adding job-specific sites and breaking it into categories, but I'm starting to like the idea of keeping the site very simple and agnostic. I want to avoid hitting 50 or 100 links and ending up with an overwhelming index page.

I've fixed the page, it's now more focused on the content. Thanks for all the great feedback!

Seems pretty cool actually. I'd break up the page and add some navigation. I'd recommend the jQuery UI Tabs plugin for this just because it's so fast. You could have a Home tab, FAQ tab, and Examples tab, perhaps?

Do you have a business model or is this just a resume bullet point?

Very cool! I would change the CSS to make the links more obvious though. Maybe change the color of the URLs?

Also, remove the links to wikipedia and robinhood and change it with links to your projects!

Looks cool! As a designer, i must say you have kind of a lot going on and it's a bit unclear to me what to look at first. Maybe simplifying your front page a bit would help?

this is pretty cool, personally I'd part with 10% to only deal with vetted clients and be paid on time.

Minor point - I think the min width of your layout is too large (Chrome). Especially with the right justified navigation, I didn't even see the last two links and on the home page I've got to do some side scrolling.

Thanks for your advice! I'm a firm believer in constructive criticism, so thats exactly why I posted it here.

I had originally designed the color changes to further differentiate each section, because otherwise there wasn't much seperating each section.

I also had written the page to be able to be linked to by each title, (#about, #resume, #projects, etc) but I didn't think about updating the hash fragment... So you're saying I should update the browser URL using javascript?

Once again, thanks for your advice!

First, congrats on taking the plunge and much success to you. Overall it's a well done site, so these are only minor things:

Bring more attention to the services & certificates in the footer. Some graphic/logos from Sun for example.

Put Portfolio before Team in the nav. I know team should come first :P But Portfolio is what a new visitor is going to look for immediately (I did). You may have Portfolio pushed back because it isn't extensive yet, and if so, I can understand that.

In that same vein, add Portfolio to the graphical nav on the homepage for consistency.

(On English language) Was going to mention some spelling errors but I see they're being corrected.

Dunno if you want some feedback, but this is HN so here it is!

Looking at your main page it seems disjointed.

You mentioned that this lets people publish and get paid, but I'm getting mixed messages of 'fund things here' vs 'publish here and get paid!'

Maybe this could be clearer? (eg. "Support content you love!" "Be rewarded for your creations!" as separate pages?)

As someone who is also trying to start a job board, good work! Blog could use some updating and footer is a littly visually noisy/spammy looking. But love the main page and the quality of the scraping you did.

I think it's a great start, but I think with a little more work you can do better.

The biggest thing is that the page is a wall of text, especially early on. I'm not sure what part is important, what I can skim, and what I only need to know if I'm really digging into it.

Give the reader some clues by using differences in font sizes, containers, etc. For example, take your first two paragraphs, distill them to one elevator pitch, and give it the .lead class to make it stand out.

Developer/Ops/Recent Past/Future sort of run together. Give them a little more visual separation.

On Projects, the image starts higher than the headline for that project. Since you're in bootstrap, consider using a panel with a heading, or something like that to help visually separate the projects and put the thumbnails in a place where they seem more related to the text next to them.

Overall, it's a very clean portfolio site, and I think you're very close to having something that really stands out. It makes me think of redoing mine, using some of the great product pages out there as inspiration.

Great work!


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