Great work! Obviously ~300 lines of code isn't enough to do a full-fledged slick interface...but one suggestion that presumably would be easy to implement: a button that closes all current word-balloons.
I was also thinking a "reply" button for threaded discussions between users...but then that would kill the fun simplicity of the app...I just like seeing where HN users are currently this morning. And also, the ways people try to obfuscate XSS attacks
Thank you for this it looks promising. Just a couple minor constructive criticism points that are personally keeping me on minihack.
1: I need the ability to swipe back from anywhere on the screen, i’m unable to reach all the way to the left edge most of the time.
2: The ability to up the density of posts/comments on the page. I really like seeing as much content as possible without a ton of dead space and scrolling.
1. The alt+h hotkey will be probably be replaced by "?". That should fix this.
2.1 That's a pretty cool idea. Would you want the "mark as read" part to happen automatically or manually?
2.2 Showing new/unread comments is also a cool idea but it will increase the amount of requests to the HN api. However I'm gonna look into it.
Wrapping it in a Tauri might be cool, because I actually wanted to try that. But I think the first step would be to make it a PWA, so you can install it without downloading anything.
Thanks for the nice words and the feedback. We just ran out of time on this. We'll be spending a lot more time on making this text area easier and nicer to use.
It's a well made app, good job. Do keep us posted on how the price point worked out for sales.
Here are some suggestions:
1. It would be great to have an option when opening an article to automatically apply Readability when it loads (maybe you can choose that option by long-touching the title of the article or something). This would reduce waiting time on reading the article.
2. An article queue would improve multitasking. If the user could select a bunch of articles and have them load in the background, that would be awesome.
3. A setting to show the full text of every comment in the list view of all comments. I don't want to have to click a comment to read it fully, and I don't have to do that on the HN website.
Neat! Fantastic first version! It has lots of potential. I love how it's not tied to jQuery. And I agree with what some of the others have said - it's possible you could build a freemium service with this. I don't know how ample that opportunity is though.
Here's another feature request to your list too: Have the word bubbles remain in the viewport, or scroll so they are always in view.
Thanks Federico, that's an interesting idea - we'll have a think about it. We're keen to keep a good balance between adding options to the text area and keeping it lightweight. Your input is much appreciated.
This is pretty great, there's a lot of potential here. I find myself wanting a "clear" button (maybe one per line?), as I try different things it's annoying to have to drag them around to different lines. And when I see the score for a set of words and realize I still have quite a ways to go, it'd be nice to just bring them all back down and start over again.
My thoughts: the first suggestion is too complex for HN and would amount to a sort of infinite scroll, which users here would probably hate (many have said so pre-emptively!). The second suggestion is probably a good idea. I worked on it at one point but it turned out to be a little harder to get right than I expected. Will probably return to it.
Couple of suggestions.
1. It would make more sense to have Textbox at the bottom instead of top. When you enter something, you see your message right above your textbox.
2. Instead of having separate area for dropping files, why not allow users to drop files in the same textbox where you type your message.
3. Bubbles doesn't look nice. I mean, it looks good as a demo but not when you use the product. It is sort of a distraction. I would rather like to see zebra stripes(may be #ffffff and #f1f1f1).
4. I like to see list of users on the sidebar instead of on chat area.
This is really great. I love how you did the google docs demo as the starter modal.
Looks like a great product, but I think most of the people building these would be less technical. I saw "rick click to delete" while on mac/chrome, there's no mouse play built in.
Maybe consider simplifying the initial screen to just one block and a "do this next" message so that the user can try it? At least for lesser tech users, if you can define where they're coming from (or more often).
ex: split facbeook / twitter / HN traffic in and make assumptions as to what kind of users are coming from where.
Nicely done. One thing: I think you need to be careful it doesn't get frustrating for users - perhaps have the messages dismiss when you click on website elements, and try to place the bubble so it doesn't hide the wrong part of the app?
Thanks for those suggestions! Agreed with all of them, especially having quicker ways to do common actions like add links, will be working on that next.
I was also thinking a "reply" button for threaded discussions between users...but then that would kill the fun simplicity of the app...I just like seeing where HN users are currently this morning. And also, the ways people try to obfuscate XSS attacks