I don't think you have to be academic to be successful in open source. One example of non-university developed financially successful open source would be MySQL. I'm sure there are others from other parts of Europe that I'm not familiar with.
That wouldn't be the same. The point was filtering a list (which could contain anything, not just a sequence from 1 to 4).
The example seems a bit strange to me. Why does it have the check for i being less than 5, when the problem is "get all elements _greater_ than 5, then just the even ones of that set.". Was it supposed to be "remove all elements greater than 5..."? (edit: although the code would then only work for sorted lists; I think it'd be better to just loop over the whole list and have "(and (< i 5) (evenp i))" as the condition for collecting)
> you should be training like you are gonna have to fight
Maybe I misunderstood what you mean, but that sounds like a pretty stupid thing to do. When you practice advancing under direct/indirect fire, do you actually have machine guns/mortars firing towards you? I would guess that you don't (we certainly never did in the Finnish Defence Forces).