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user: bluelightning2k (* users last updated on 10/04/2024)
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created: 2013-10-13 09:59:08
karma: 1139
count: 350
Avg. karma: 3.25
Comment count: 321
Submission count: 29
Submission Points: 162

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Wait -- isn't this like 2x the price it was yesterday?

If you've doubled the prices and barely addressed it that is NOT cool. Will you be auto grandfathering in existing customers?

Congrats on the launch.

How do you deal with generating resilient selectors automatically? That's a class of problem which plagues this type of tool in my understanding.

I'm really interested in this.

We currently do something like: post code to a serverless function -> function executes code and returns output as HTTP.

This works but it's hard & requires a lot of adapter code (things like async errors).

I'd really like to talk about this - I understand that might not be possible. I filled in the form, any idea when we might hear something?

Do you support arbitrary npm modules?

I find your meta-commentary here interesting (sorry!)

To me this actually also suggests that the algorithm has a quality-score for both you as users and fly.io as a domain.

So both your style & the algorithm have like a flywheel with HN. (Makes sense to me.)

Do you have recommendations for stateful workloads? Would the answer always be 'connect to an external DB/API for all state'?

E.g. if I need to run a bunch of processing, would it be A) spin up the micro-VM and pull from a queue service B) embed SQLite C) use some kind of in-memory store

TBH I've been waiting for years for someone to do 'firecracker as a service'. I must have searched that exact term about once per month.

Thank you for doing this. Not tried it out yet but I fully intend to.

Very interesting. Thank you again!

If a general system becomes good enough, you see it displace specialized systems. In this case the Kafka paradigm can be replaced because there is such a performant NoSql DB.

It's kind of like how standalone cameras became less and less desirable as phone cameras got better. Standalone could do better quality - but this matters less once both options are really good. There is some 'good enough' point where you hit vastly diminishing returns & simplifying into just phones became worthwhile.

Databases (certainly Scylla) may be hitting a point where specializing, actively optimizing, etc. are less desirable than just reusing one good system.

I like CloudFlare - but still haven't heard back since signing up for Workers for Platforms the day it was announced

My unpopular take: most comments here are super entitled.

To paraphrase: "sure it's minblowing and the biggest productivity gain in years, but I want it FREE".

Yes. You got used to it being free. And now it's not. But $10/mo is a steal. It's more than fair and far, far less than they could get.

And no. They don't owe you anything.

In fact, they probably host your code (often free), and less directly provide your IDE (for free). So this idea that they owe you something needs to be reassessed.

CoPilot is easily worth it and I think this is fair. I actually welcome it because I was nervous it might be like 80.

I feel for TabNine.

What they're doing is impactful, impressive - and so eclipsed by an unreasonably well-resourced competitor that they don't even get given much credit.

"Not as good as CoPilot" really doesn't say enough about something that's still very impressive.

Personally I thought it was cool but not game-changing, and moved on when I got into CoPilot. I can't comment on the next-gen models.

Same issue with the autocompletes pushing the ground-truth out.

I actually installed a third-party extension which implements their autocomplete differently.

So weird that they didn't hear such major/consistent feedback. (Maybe they didn't want to tank their 'suggestions taken' number?)

This is very, very well written. Recommend reading in its entirity.

Hey - I don't want to be critical, but I think you should rethink your messaging.

I'll be honest with you: I thought this was a parody. It's SO abstract.

It's like you came from doing this abstract thing inside a big company & decided to do the same abstract thing as a startup. And describe it using the specific terminology used inside that specific team of SuperBigCo.

Why are there 10,000 startups who got their GPT3 keys and immediately decided that they would add some kind of unique value by turning a hello-world demo into a startup.

Great - you bring GPT3 DaVinci to Google Docs. Or Chrome. Or whatever.

You think this hasn't occurred to Google. Or that your prompt engineering is beyond Google? (In reality they're waiting for their own model, or trying to negotiate a large-scale deal as Microsoft did.)

"Extend a popular application of your choice to support GPT3" is likely already on curriculum everywhere for people learning to code.

There's no value-add being one of 1,000 people implementing the most-obvious use case when an API gets released to the world at the exact same time.

And clearly in 2 years time this is wrapped directly by Google & provided by OpenAI directly & also will be a very popular beginner code tutorial project.

Aha... my bad you're a marketplace for human-editors not yet another GPT3 wrapper. I just re-read it.

I was overly pattern matching because of the eye-rolling number of GPT3 hello-world companies.

I'll leave my comment up for the MANY people who will pattern-match the same way.

But why though

The reason they announced this is specifically to capitalise on GitHub CoPilot becoming paid.

Some significant fraction of developers worldwide are right now deciding whether to pay. So they have rushed out essentially a landing page for some of the "like it but not quite willing to pay" folks

At the end of a casino the chips can always be redeemed.

There is very little liquidity in crypto. And when one of the whales breaks rank and heads for the exit every other holder will be sitting on chips with some nominal value but absolutely no buyers.

Do the work.

Do consultancy. Become excellent. Build a team. Bootstrap your entire development phase. Sell enough to demonstrate the market

Is the domain worth 1,000x the cost of a paid CloudFlare account to capture all the traffic you're currently losing

I mean... obviously this is a conspiracy by DARPA to spread FUD.

Because they're threatened by my upcoming project: superMegaWeb3ZombieWhatever

As I type this I realize there is no way to name a fictitious parody crypto project which is more absurd than the average actual crypto project.

Was it crypto?

I have it on good authority from some rather artificial-sounding YouTube comments that that they were planning on going to the moon.

raies hand for high five. Gets left hanging...

Lol. Fair!

Doesn't apply to us here in the UK since we left Europe.

If they accepted the offer this would actually create a Catch22 chicken-and-the-egg situation where they can't employ a non-approved vendor.

Also: filling this in can open up liability. There's no way you get it all accurate, and in the event of a breech (e.g. supply chain attack where you get hacked leading to them getting hacked) they could argue that you misrepresented or didn't comply with your stated response.

So the 5k which could never be paid might also not be worth it.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how well done this article is.

It's like the AAA studio equivalent of a tech article.

Suggestions for further improvement:

Cap the amount of cells and essentially partition. Using 2 machines could conceivably double performance after scaling up stops working. So a 1bn row sum could conceivably ask for 5 200m sums then sum those.

Maintain a float32 and float64 version. Compute the float32 first and return to user, then update the result.

You could conceivably run some kind of ml model or even regular logic to predict the API call your formula engine will need to make, eg. If the customer status typing a column of sum range, you could optimistically fetch that part as soon as you see that element.

Optimistically caching is obviously high variance and resource draining.

The 10000iq version is coordination free horizontal scaling with scyladb algorithm

If I read it correctly it's more like a 1.8 bn hole.

They are counting 600m of their own token, which already had only 170m or whatever of market cap, which presumably now is absolutely worthless.

I don't mean worthless in a conceptual sense like all crypto, but this specific brand of made up money is based on the trust of a bankrupt lender. Nobody is buying that and counting it as 600m of asset is absurd.

It's like writing yourself a bunch of IOUs and claiming it gives you wealth.

OpenSea and NFTs always struck me as the most absurd concept.

I doubt anyone is remotely surprised. There is no comeback coming.

Not sure frankly how a Craigslist for "ownership" of jpegs needs so many employees.

Literally what are they doing.

Having said that I do give them props for the generous severance and keeping healthcare going way longer than they have to. That's surprised me. Ironically the only positive thought I've ever had about that company is the way it executed a layoff.

You INSTANTLY lost me with the fake-scarcity countdown timer.

Bounced so fast & immediately looked to see if HN has a downvote button.

If you're targeting engineers and sophisticated people you need to rethink that.

Engineered and arbitrary scarcity is patronizing - which will instantly lose any sophisticated technical founder.

It's not hostile, it's helpful.

For everyone who takes the time to explain why they bounced, 1000 people did so without taking the time to explain.

I am sure the majority of people here who saw this hit back the second they saw the ticking countdown timer. Few bothered to come back and advise against it.

"BS" very clearly refers to the timer not the site. But I've removed it anyway.

INSTANTLY is appropriate emphasis. It's important to convey that when you see a 'clickfunnels' countdown timer you don't look past it.

Very well said!

Developers are also a very marketing-averse group.

Tbh my guess is the founder of this product never got feedback from devs before doing that landing page.

The tool could be superb. Kind of doesn't matter. Pattern recognition kicks in.

Maybe they built a great product. If that's so they camouflage its value by making it look like some ebook with a scarcity timer.

An analogy to help explain:

You see someone dressed as a hotdog holding a giant promotional "50 OFF, TODAY ONLY!!!" sign outside a restaurant.

Is that restaurant somewhere you'd consider taking a client for fine-dining?

The point isn't that this is "immoral".

The advice is simply that it's self-sabotaging to choose the design language of low-value infomercial type websites.

The main proposition of crypto (aside from speculation because "graph goes up") is that you don't need a centralized exchange.

Then all these centralized exchanges popped up to make it easier.

Whenever I see these types of announcement I have two reactions:

a) I cheer, because the sooner the pyramid collapses the less the damage.

b) I'm sad because these are real people losing real jobs

An exchange is kind of like thermodynamics.

No matter how complex and viable a perpetual motion machine looks, you can't get more energy out than goes in.

Similarly - no complex restructuring of money into different assets will make more money come out than goes in.

Money only grows in a non zero-sum way when it's put to work in the real world: e.g. creating value by creating a product which is more valuable than the sum of its parts.

Anyone else curious to see what terms Three Arrows Capital was offering?

For seemingly everyone in crypto to have such significant exposure to them, it looks like the entire industry was funneling retail funds into 3AC.

Maybe some of these clear ponzi schemes offering 20% yield were themselves promised 20.5% yield by 3AC.

It's an interesting take. Because it kind of lets everyone off the hook.

Wild speculation here BUT...

If I'm a token and I offer investors 20% but loan to 3AC at 20.5% and they seem credible, I can semi-credibly blame their unexpected default.

For their role as a hedge-fund 3AC can buy tokens with money loaned from those same tokens, pay dividends as they rise and simply fold as they fall.

Yeah I agree. That was kind of my point also -- the "decentralized" block-chain is pretty reliant on centralized exchanges.

Real jobs is an interesting one. To the individuals yes they are real. To the economy there is no value creation and therefore the work done by these companies is just ultimately burning investor dollars & the planet in a lose:lose situation (as with everything crypto related).

The argument that the payments themselves are a service (while valid) has to be broadly competitive with the mainstream alternative.

So for "securing the network" crypto is very, very clearly less secure than conventional payments. (Far more hacks, defaults, and not centrally backed by government).

And the fees charged are vastly more and vastly slower.

The service is therefore so much worse at such a higher cost that it seems more like the arbitrary product that a Multi Level Marketing firm ostensibly sells than a real offering. (And the only real USP of "enables criminal activity" is not a valid USP that anyone should allow or touch.)

Even as a crypto-sceptic I must give you some serious props for a very well-thought out and written comment.

I found this somewhat persuasive.

But despite being very well written, all this does is say why not fiat. If you're looking for a store of value, why not gold? If you're looking to put the money to work, why not value-creating such as real-estate or stocks, growing the wealth through value-creation?

This looks pretty good.

Seems people have baggage from bad experiences. I guess remember how large the scope & pace of AWS. And remember that this was their solution to those UX issues not the cause!

Seems really complete.

Pro-tip you may not have thought of: this is really well suited to internal debug/admin/troubleshooting tooling.

This looks IDEAL for information-dense internal tooling UI (admin, debugging, troubleshooting, power-user etc.)

Looks very well executed overall, but the demos really show it off.

Always good to see progress, shared ideas, etc. but sadly it sounds like they have no plans to release.

It's actually very hard for them to release this. It's so tied to their internal systems (What - you don't use Bazel to compile a stack comprised of Angular and Go?).

Best case, some of their observations contribute to the more practically available models.

I would never use this as is (sorry).

Rolling your own is about the same level of effort, easier to mock/modify/customize as needed.

And if I wasn't rolling my own, I'd look to a library (many in NPM) or I'd look to a Kubernetes sidecar where that makes sense (Dapr or a service mesh).

Going with an API adds concerns about compliance, GDPR, inheriting your entire attack surface, inheriting your downtime risk, configuration foot-guns, and cost.

But I don't like leaving negativity - so here's some suggestions which might tip the value:

- Having really high quality RBAC front-end UI that I can just let you deal with it

- Same for inviting people to join accounts

- Testing utilities, so it becomes really easy to run the same tests with different permissions

- Similar to the above but a browser extension where a superuser can switch to emulate any other user (or admins can switch to any user in their org if policy allows)

- Audit logging and customer facing UI for viewing audit logs


How do you safely run untrusted user code?

Thanks for building this.

(Won't use it personally as being a pro developer I'd always use my existing cloud provider)

I used this recently. I wanted to create a timeline UI for DemoTime with elements on the timeline matching the gradient background.

Color.js is admittedly overkill for this, but it let me import just the interpolate function and it did the trick.


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