My cat had (likely) something similar and needed to regularly be given subcutaneous saline fluid. He learned pretty quick to associate me stabbing him, with him feeling better. That kind of thing becomes easy once you get into the routine.
> hyperopic patients. They don't become myopic with time
As a farsighted person who didn't get glasses until I was 30... I only wish it was as easy as sitting and waiting a few years.
Most of the advice in tech circles is about myopia, so whenever I see something like this I like to imagine the opposite advice to see if it would cure me in the opposite direction. Should I stare at something less than 20cm away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes? I don't think either near or far-sighted people are going to heal themselves with internet advice
You're completely right. Although I could see just fine, my eyes were extremely fatigued after every workday and I just never realized it. Glasses changed my life. In fact I'm about to go in again for a second stronger pair of reading glasses for computer work. I might as well embrace getting old!
> I always cringe a bit when people insist they need 6 cores “so they can have discord and Spotify open while they game”.
I mean, they're not wrong. I have Discord sitting open at the login screen and it's burning 10% of a core. Run a few Electron apps and your core2duo suddenly becomes a core1uno.
> Playing a video and writing a document
Using what? VLC + notepad, or Chrome + YouTube + Google Docs? There's a huge difference.
Discord gets a core, Spotify gets a core, Chrome with a few webapps open gets a few cores. That leaves 1 or 2 for a game if you're lucky. God forbid you also try to stream to Twitch. I'll cut the rant short here. You're right though; you should cringe if they insist on 6 cores, instead of 8 or more.
Crap software is the problem. The worst part is that efficient alternatives exist (Discord -> Ripcord, Spotify -> spotify-tui) but they're against ToS and can get you banned from both services. From what I hear Discord is a lot more likely to ban you. I've not heard of any Spotify bans. But as a user, even if you know the problem, your only choices are to risk an account ban, or buy an "overpowered" CPU to run your chat client.
I'd say what actually makes a difference is sharing/marketing projects after you build them. If other people don't know your project exists, you'll end up with no users and you'll see your idea on various "stuff I wish existed" lists. Then one day you see a clone of your project and think someone ripped you off, when in reality they never heard of you and they were just better at selling themselves.
Any company that could build hardware capable of turning a profit would use it themselves, instead of selling it to the public. Don't try to buy a money printer. Life isn't that easy.
I ran a quick `while true {}` in the background. It used 7B cycles per second (twice the clock speed for some reason?), while Discord uses about 700M. Discord does drop lower if I minimize the window. But still, thousands of context switches per second, while completely logged out. I have no idea what it could be doing.
You're right that I'm probably not benchmarking rigorously enough. But people don't care about any of this stuff. They care about "my FPS gets lower when Discord is open, pls fix". And they don't want to micromanage CPU usage either. Make sure you minimize Discord after starting the call, make sure you close that gmail tab during the game then open it back up when you're done so you don't miss notifications? No thanks. I'd rather just pay for a few more cores.
I guess what triggered me is you saying you cringe at the end users. They don't deserve that. They just want the stuff they buy to work reliably. And if they need a bunch of extra headroom for that to happen, well, that's just the sorry state of the industry. If you must cringe at someone, direct your cringe at developers.
I watched the video and I want to believe, but... I don't know. I have cats, I know cats are intelligent, cats can be trained to understand single words, etc. But I'm just not convinced any cat can string together English sentences like this. Also, the concept of time might be a bit abstract for a cat who is always living in the present moment. And then there's the most viewed video on that channel[1] where he presses the "cuddle" button, and then... doesn't cuddle. He seems like he knows pressing a button get a reaction, but he doesn't know which button is which. Good morning human, time to play with the disembodied voice buttons again.
Like I said though, I want to believe. Can you think of any longer videos that might convince a skeptic?
That is more compelling, but I'm still not convinced. Out of all the videos I've watched it's the only one that comes close. Smells like broken clock theory to me.
"No" is another higher-level abstract concept that I wouldn't expect anyone to master before more basic concepts. If the cat could say "ears, no" or "tummy, no" with similar confidence, then I would be convinced it understands combining the concept of "no" with another word. And those seem easy to test too. Cats don't like you messing with those areas.
None of those limitations should have mattered in this case, since they all relate to the sensors. We can see the Tesla's view of the world on screen. It knows there are double yellow lines. It knows there is a car in the oncoming lane. It just decides to drive diagonally into oncoming traffic anyway for some reason. There's no way you can blame this on sensor problems. It's just a plain old software bug.
Hmm, the view of the screen isn't clear enough to tell when exactly the car appears. An eerily familiar problem, lol. But that's kind of beside the point. Here's a screengrab of slightly sooner, at 8:05.
The car made a plan to cut across the yellows and then continue straight down the opposing lane. It shouldn't do that whether or not it sees traffic up ahead.
I agree there were perception failures, but that's besides the point. The car made a plan to drive on the wrong side of the road. It shouldn't ever do that, no matter what it perceives. It's illegal whether or not there's oncoming traffic. You can't blame sensors for those kinds of logic errors.
On the plus side, the computer did say "I'm sorry" after almost killing the driver. So I guess that's something.
> As mentioned previously, your app (APK versions 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035 and 1036) causes users to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play.
Google Chrome can download APKs from sources outside of Google Play. By that logic Chrome should also be removed from the play store.
Any antitrust lawyers want to chime in? Why isn't this illegal?
Yep, this is a great article, but that section (the whole "Rust Isn’t Finished" section) jumped out as a place where there were some simple ways he could have made his life easier. It could also have been a failure of the Rust community to teach a good workflow.
You don't need to force every contributor to upgrade every six weeks in lockstep, since releases of Rust and std are backwards compatible. Upgrade at your leisure, and run tests in CI with the minimum version you want to support. If you're doing something crazier that requires ABI compatibility between separate builds, you can add a `rust-toolchain` file that upgrades the compiler on dev machines automatically, as seamlessly as Cargo downloads new dependency versions.
I'm overall a rust fan but I've always agreed with you about `if let`. What I don't like is that it reads right-to-left and starts getting awkward if either side is much longer than just a variable name.
if let Some(Range { start, end }) = self.calc_range(whatever, true) {
// ...
I feel it would read much smoother if you switched the two sides so execution flows left-to-right
if self.calc_range(whatever, true) is Some(Range { start, end }) {
// ...
Peeking at the long term chart[1], I don't think 0.1% is notable. In Oct 2018, it bounced around ~1% under the peg for most of 2 months. Then in Dec 2018, it bounced around 1-2% over the peg for 2 months. A similar swing happened in Apr-Jun 2017. I'm actually surprised, I've never looked at this chart before and I didn't expect to see swings of several percentage points. But at any rate the current 0.1% is pretty tame in comparison and I'm sure it's just the cost of moving money to arbitrage.
Tether's claim is that verified users can redeem USDT for USD 1:1 at Exchanges like Kraken are secondary markets and Tether does not claim anything about them.
If you zoom in to the first time period I mention (Oct 2018), and inspect visually, it was strictly under $1 for nearly two months. Right after that it was strictly over $1 for nearly two months. That's if you trust that site's data of course.
Remember this is the price on the secondary market, and these are just random people who see the price and then shuffle money around so they can buy a dollar for 99.9 cents. Anyone can do it (if you can stomach exposure to USDT of course). So if the system is working properly the price should generally hover within $1 plus or minus the cost to move money, but there's nothing keeping it at exactly $1.000000.
Cloudflare is the one putting up the captcha-wall and deciding whether to forward your request to the destination site. Your browser sends Cloudflare a token, then if Cloudflare accepts the token, it forwards your request. The destination site does not see the token and so cannot use it to track you.
Since Cloudflare does see the token, it's reasonable to consider whether Cloudflare could deanonymize you across different sites. Privacy Pass uses cryptography that claims to prevent that.
I still don't see how it's the consumers' fault. Say there was one single person out there who wasn't an idiot or clueless, and just wanted to watch some TV after work. What should this person have done?
"We're sorry your husband got a concussion, but at least his passenger felt safe!"
This isn't the 70s. Just give everyone helmets. Passengers included. And yes you should clean them. If you're running a business I'm sure you can afford some little bottles of alcohol spray.
Yep. To go further, bitcoin hasn't been the darknet currency for a good 5 years now, these days everyone is using monero.
The North Korea is thing is just rumor-mongering, or governments pointing fingers at each other as they always do. The only eastern country I've heard publicly admit to using bitcoin is Ukraine:
There's more than just index funds out there. People park their money in art, stamps, antiques, rare coins, watches, real estate in the tundra. What does a Monet have to do with real-world economics, other than the hope that we all continue to agree it's valuable?
Don't forget C# 1.0 which also shipped without generics. The people designing these langs were not inexperienced, far from it. Yet the mistake keeps being repeated every decade. I feel like the industry would be a lot further along if we paid more attention to these lessons from the past.
It seems like customers who get rejected by ChexSystems would be more likely to overdraft frequently and be profitable to the bank. Why are banks using the system to deny them accounts?
Sigh. Yep. Don't ever give a company your phone number for 2FA. It's insecure anyways due to SIM swapping. Stick to FIDO (e.g. yubikey) or TOTP (e.g. google authenticator)
Look at the last word, "linux". In both the "n" and "u", the left stem is thin and crisp, but the right stem is thick and blurry. Maybe it doesn't bother you, but I couldn't put up with that if I were using it all day.
A place where you live is not a living expense? That line of thought is how we got here in the first place. Things break in a house all the time, and it costs money to maintain. A house should be treated as a depreciating asset. We'd all be better off. (I say this as a homeowner btw)
> Can someone speak to what language has the best support for this?
I can give you the Rust perspective, but I'm not sure it's the best.
> arbitrary file I/O
include_str! and include_bytes! make the contents of a file available as a string or a byte array. More complex types would need a build script (or transmute).
> non-fixed-sized containers, ie vector
No support in `const fn`, but you can again use a build script as an escape hatch.
> a generic memoization utility in the standard library for caching
There's nothing in the stdlib, but there are a few third party crates that give you the easy one-line syntax, such as