I don't see why the west should be ruled by any particular type of profession, just engineers or just lawyers seem equally bad to me.
Honestly I think a lot of political disaster that is in the US could be traced back the the abundance of lawyers.
Seen from the outside, America to me is a country which has made every aspect of society into some form of legal struggle or court case. That just doesn't seem like a healthy way to organize society.
The polarized aspects of a court room, is reflected in American politics and public life itself. Politics is gridlocked because it is all about winning at any price. It is the logic of a lawyer.
I think this has become so ingrained in American phsycology that most Americans can't even see it anymore.
Honestly I think a lot of political disaster that is in the US could be traced back the the abundance of lawyers.
Seen from the outside, America to me is a country which has made every aspect of society into some form of legal struggle or court case. That just doesn't seem like a healthy way to organize society.
The polarized aspects of a court room, is reflected in American politics and public life itself. Politics is gridlocked because it is all about winning at any price. It is the logic of a lawyer.
I think this has become so ingrained in American phsycology that most Americans can't even see it anymore.