I am a recent graduate from San Diego State University with a B.S. in Applied Math looking for work in software engineering and/or Data Science in the Seattle area.
Please email me with credentials, and I will forward my full resume.
I also have a CV of Failures, if you're interested.
As a Javascript front-end developer, my main experience lies in enterprise scale single page JavaScript applications (SPA’s), preferably built with the Angular 1/2 or React framework. Beside that I have strong business development and leadership skills. Having successfully built my own company from the ground up and run it for 10 years, I know what it takes to build, lead, grow and maintain a business.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, Ember (Would like to learn more about Elixir Phoenix or Express)
Résumé/CV: www.linkedin.com/in/DrSayre
Email: DrSayre2002@yahoo.com
My main experience is using Rails with nearly 5 years at a Church Management Software company. I have started to use Ember more recently. Would like to learn more about Elixir Phoenix.
If you are an engineer introvert like myself that is hesitant to post your info here, I run a anonymous, private job matching service for people not looking for jobs: hirewhen.com
hello@hirewhen.com with the same info you'd post here. Or just say hi.
I have a B.S. in computer science with several years experience developing iOS apps both professionally and independently. Looking to join a team as a mobile/backend developer to build something great!
I am a theoretical physicist with software development and system administration experience. I am interested in applied mathematics and machine learning. In my current side project, I am trying to study neural networks using geometrical methods.
SpotHero | Chicago, IL | http://spothero.com
SpotHero is changing parking, and our tools will redefine the transportation industry. With over a million cars parked, fast growth, and solid funding (https://angel.co/spothero), SpotHero offers countless ways to make an impact on the company and your career.
Senior Backend Engineer - http://spothero.com/careers/124847
As a member of our Backend team, you will be responsible for building all things related to the backend horsepower that powers our website, our API, and our native apps!
To apply, please email your resume to jobs@spothero.com. Include any GitHub account, LinkedIn profile, and any project that you’re particularly proud of. We love seeing work that others loved working on.
I've always been attracted to building things, find that mix between good design and a great idea. I’m an iOS developer by day and part-time creative by night. Lifelong hyperactive and perfectionist. Feel passion for everything that comes from startups and moving-forward thinking. Hi, I’m Pablo.
Technologies: Objective-C, Swift (learning), Git, Jenkins, Fabric, Fastlane, Core Data, AFNetworking, RestKit, MagicalRecord, KVOController, pop, Mapbox, Mapkit, GoogleMaps, CocoaLumberjack, Masonry, OHHTTPStubs, Appirater, Apple Reachability, Charts by Daniel Cohen Gindi, SCRecorder, SocketRocket, AddressBook, AVFoundation, some CoreGraphics, CoreLocation, some HealthKit, Sketch, Zeplin. In love with thinking and designing great UI and UX for iOS apps.
Email: two.is.literally.more.than.one [at] gmail com
Attention: this is a joint application.
We are Alessandro and Zak, we met during our [Computer Science] undergrads at the University of Waterloo. We’ve worked (projects, hackathons, etc.), lived and travelled together and we don’t want this to end. We both intend on moving to Toronto in October and would like to work on the same team. Alessandro currently lives in Amsterdam, NL, while Zak is in Waterloo, ON.
I am a Linux SysAdmin / DevOps engineer with 5+ years of experience. I have a history working within both enterprise environments such as IBM, as well startup ones. I've created, maintained and redesigned many different infrastructures. I have a big focus on automation and reproducibility.
Location: Europe
Remote: Yes, preferred, but willing to travel onsite occasionally
Willing to relocate: Depending on the location
Technologies: Linux (Debian / RedHat), AIX, Puppet, Ruby, Bash, AWS, Docker, Nagios/Icinga, Foreman, FreeIPA, KVM, libvirt, LDAP, Redis, Apache, NGINX, MySQL, PowerHA, PowerVM, keepalived, Tivoli, and many more...
I worked at a tech startup in downtown Philly for three years. While I have been looking for work, I have also spent time on several side projects. My biggest one is http://new.amecy.com/ , a site for turn-based board games. I am also working on some software that I intend to sell one day. Now and then, I revisit problems that I worked on in grad school.
Location: Oxford, UK
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, Kivy
Résumé/CV: Available on request. I have 3.5 years professional experience.
Email: python@ian.feete.org
I'm available for either contracting or full employment.
Willing to relocate: Very unlikely, but you're welcome to pitch the idea.
Technologies: PHP, Drupal, Javascript, Angular, Laravel, Symfony, Composer + a little bit of node, ruby, python, and go. I learn quickly though, so if you don't see what you want on this list, let's talk.
I am a Licentiate in Biotechnology with lots of experience in wetlab (molecular biology and microbiology). I am currently learning to program in C# and Python, looking for bioinformatics projects to join.
Location: London, UK
Remote: yes
Willing to relocate: not currently, but willing to travel
Technologies: Python, C#, Unity, R, Matlab (junior in all).
Resumé/CV: goo.gl/akXIbI (Linkedin)
Email: lucila.rondissone@gmail.com
iOS developer looking for new projects. Have worked with both Objective-C and Swift. http://bit.ly/1uh9Ori Feel free to get in touch at nickiosdev+hn@gmail.com for more info.
Technologies: Angular/React, modern .NET stack, interest in Docker and all things Microservices. Note: I am only open to contract opportunities. Ready to start this month!
Technologies: Python, Node.JS. Experience in Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Express.js. PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB. I mostly do backend but can do front-end in a pinch as well.
Hi all; first language was Common Lisp, and I've worked with Java, C#, F#, Scala, Python, and Clojure. Experience with Spark/Hadoop and AWS. Interested in new languages, (Haskell, Rust, Go?) new ideas, (Pachyderm, Docker, GPU Processing?) and positive social impact.
Location: Bath, UK (until October)
Remote: yes
Relocate: not until October
Technologies: Spark, HBase, Java, Clojure, Linux, Bash, AWS, Lisp, Scala, C#, F#, Apache, Python, SQLite
Résumé/CV: can share via email
Email: druidgreeneyes@gmail.com
Technologies: Java primarily. Backend systems. Would love to focus on data/search (Lucene/Elasticsearch)
Résumé/CV: Incognito for now.
Email: evil_goodness@hotmail.com Do not have an anonymous email address at the moment. Let me reuse a very old band's email address. I haven't logged in in years.
Senior developer looking for a more challenging role. Testing the waters to see if there is a need for developers with search experience in Los Angeles.
I am a 2015 graduate currently working in Infosys. I finished my training in January, been on bench since. So I don't have any experience with real world projects. The work doesn't have to be in the tech I listed above, I am more than willing to learn new technologies as per requirements.
I like learning and tinkering with new(and old) technologies, also I have a keen interest in game development.
Technologies: Precision measurement, time-series and spectral data analysis, long-duration measurement campaigns that matter. Proficient in hardware fabrication, vacuum systems, analog electronics design, and more.
Technologies: While I have some exposure to programming, my focus is customer support. I thought I'd see if anyone out there is looking for someone to do remote support.
I have a background in end user support and some experience in project management (see resume). My most noticeable experience in end user support was working at craigslist in San Francisco as a user operations representative for about a year. That gave me strong experience in supporting users of a high volume website. I am willing to work on site locally in the Melbourne area or remotely from my current location.
I'm a developer with 5+ years of experience looking for a remote full-stack/DevOps or backend position. I have experience with many different stacks and I never stop learning. I love automated testing and documentation. I have domain experience in high-performance computing and GIS.
My name is Andy and I recently graduated and am looking for an opportunity to learn and build interesting products. I enjoy working on mobile, front-end or backend and I don't have any real preference - I just like building things. You can see an example of my most recent project[0] which is an app that allows users to print to any papercut connected printer and is an extension of an app that I made about a year ago. While building it, I had to reverse engineer a website and the app does a little web scraping in order to treat the site as a pseudo api. While building the app I also decided to challenge my self to move away from the typical android spaghetti architecture by implementing an MVC approach through the use of message passing via an event bus. Most of the UI is here[0] with most of the logic in a library here[1]. You can also check out my github here[2] - nearing a 2 month commit streak.
I’m a product-minded iOS and api backend developer looking for interesting teams to work with at any stage of development, from initial prototyping to late-stage maintenance.
I spent a few years in high school doing hardware repairs and eventually ran that arm of the company before leaving for college. While at FSU I realized I couldn't survive on student loans so I started working at a help desk that I ended up managing for two years before quitting to refocus on school and find employment closer to my desired field.
I've spent the last few years developing web and Android apps for class projects and personal learning. I have a few projects on my github ( http://github.com/roninb ). I'm ready to expand and want to be a part of a team that can help me grow.
Looking for a full-time position in SF, maybe down into the south bay but not too far. Prefer a more generalist position at this time but I'm open to backend/data science/mobile/devops/UI+UX positions as well. Want to be challenged and exposed to technologies.
Location: San Francisco, CA (proper)
Remote: I'd love to
Willing to relocate: Maybe
Technologies: Elixir/Phoenix, PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, React, CSS/SASS, HTML, Linux
Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mchavezi
Email: mchavez@space-rocket.com
Github: https://github.com/bigbassroller
Been doing code for 5 years now. Started off with WordPress, moving on to Phoenix/Elixir.
I'm a Full Stack Engineer. Have around 4 years of experience with modern stacks including: MSFT stack and node.js/react. Can efficiently work alone (although prefer to avoid solo work). I have a passion for creating beautiful, intuitive interfaces with clean, well-structured back-ends.
Looking for senior position primary related to backend development. I'm opened to any technology stack.
Should you hire me? I'll give you 10 facts about myself. Decide for yourself:
1. As a kid I taught myself to program using Borland Turbo C++ for DOS and Deitel's C How to Program book
2. I've been on the internet since the days of Trumpet Winsock and NCSA Mosaic. I used HotDog to create my first website in 1997 (and yes, it had an under construction gif and a download Netscape link)
3. I've been a FreeBSD user since 2001, although at one point I administered a few Linux servers for a living
4. I was the sole developer of two different startups. One based in the UK (2006-2007) and another in Buenos Aires / New York (2010-2011). Details in résumé
5. I used to be active at Rent-a-Coder, my profile with a
decade long track record of perfect scores and rave reviews over a wide variety of technologies is still available: https://www.freelancer.com/u/denep.html
6. At one point or another I've been paid to develop in Python, JavaScript, C, PHP, Perl, x86 Assembly, C++, Java, Matlab, Delphi and others
7. I've worked 10+ years remotely. Both with Americans and Europeans
8. I've taken a couple of years off here and there to travel around the world on a bike
9. I'm pragmatic and open to learn new technologies or frameworks. While I have my preferences, my skills are portable between stacks
10. I only post on these threads like once a year, so get in touch if you believe I may be a valuable addition to your team. I'm flexible about hours and would consider part-time, full-time or contract work
Location: Bogota, Colombia (EST/UTC-5)
Remote: Yes, I've been doing so for over a decade
Willing to relocate: Not right now
Technologies: Python, JavaScript, C, Perl, Java, PHP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis
Résumé/CV: On request
Email: hndenep@kaffeeschluerfer.com
I am still very early in my career but I'm eager to learn and have some life goals I'd like to achieve sooner rather then later (a job and an apartment being one of them).
I'm Jacob Kranz & looking for backend work in the LA / Santa Monica area. I have a strong history of working in teams to build scaleable products in readable code.
Location: Los Angeles / Santa Monica
Remote: Willing to, yes
Willing to Relocate: No
Technologies: Go, Php, Java, C#, AWS, Cassandra, Mysql, Redis
Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobkranz
Email: jacob.kranz@gmail.com
SEEKING WORK - New York City / Remote Expert full stack web developer with experience building and running large websites with millions of users and processing millions of dollars in transactions. Author of several open source WordPress plugins with thousands of users. Expert in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript/Node.js, HTML, CSS, MVC Frameworks (Laravel, Kohana, Symfony), System Administration (security, load balancing, replication, AWS). Also experienced with Java, Python, Ruby on Rails. Plenty of references from happy clients and dozens of high profile projects in my portfolio. Email address: my HN username @ gmail
I'm looking for a software engineer or web developer position in the Boston or New York City region. (Would also be open to other areas if the right offer came along)
Most of my side projects are in Python Flask but have also done some work in Django. My future goals are to make something with Golang and Android.
My specialties: devops, cloud computing, full stack software engineering, architecture, leading teams.
I am a senior full stack software and devops engineer, experienced with cloud infrastructure, and as an architect and team lead. My experience in the industry is divided fairly evenly between early stage startups, larger companies, and more traditional consulting. I am strongly in favor of cloud computing, open source software, comprehensive documentation, empowered user communities, and unregulated
Technologies: Primarily Javascript, PHP, and Java stacks for application engineering, then just about every known scripting language and flavor of Unix for the devops side of life.
Location: Los Angeles
Remote: No
Willing to relocate: Yes within CA
Technologies: iOS (Objective-C / Swift), Android (Java), C, C++, HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL
Résumé/CV: On Request.
Email: nikitaame@gmail.com
I'm a Full Stack Web Engineer with 10 years of professional experience.
Location: Europe
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Not right now
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, AngularJS, SQL
Résumé/CV: on request
Email: cro.dev@yahoo.com
Some information about myself: I taught myself every programming language I know. I started with AppleScript back in the late 90s/early 00s, then moved up to Python around 2009. I got into programming through a desire to automate things on my old G4 iMac. Now I enjoy building services to bring people into the digital world.
UI Engineer with 8+ years exp. building web ?( ? ? ? )?
Location: San Francisco, CA
Remote: Ok
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: Angular, Javascript, Node, jQuery, Photoshop, Sketch
Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justrossthings
Email: iam@rossdyson.com
I'm looking for Software Engineer or Web Developer positions.
Most of my side projects are either in Java, Ruby on Rails or JavaScript along with React and React.
Location: Toronto, ON
Remote: Ok
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: Java, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, Node, SCSS, PHP
Location: Toronto
Remote: Yes
Willing to Relocate: No
Technologies: MEAN stack, React, bit of Laravel and Rails
Resume/CV: https://resume.creddle.io/resume/8ni8vqtmha8
Email: briangroat93@gmail.com
20 years of software development experience.
Desires to learn Go, Scala, Spark, TensorFlow, React.
15 years of interfacing with and leading remote teams.
US and EU citizen
Interested in the following positions: javascript engineer, full stack developer, front end developer positions. Have experience working with startups and agencies.
Location: San Jose, Ca
Remote: No
Willing to relocate: Yes (anywhere east/west coast or Canada)
Skills and expertise: Biomedical Engineering, imaging physics (CT, MRI), image reconstruction
Technologies: Matlab, Java, Python, Android SDK
Résumé/CV: http://teamjimroberts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/james_roberts_resume_JUNE2016-1.pdf
Website: teamjimroberts.com
Email: jimroberts10@gmail.com
Looking for positions in imaging (CT, MRI, Microscopy), or neuroscience (neural interfacing, neural activity recording technologies). Preference for research labs and startup companies. Have a very strong math background, and am a fast learner.
Studied biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University (class of 2015), took a gap year to strengthen programming skills, travel, and work on personal engineering projects. Most recently learned OpenGLES and am on week 7 of 12 in Andrew Ng's machine learning course.
Posting on behalf of my wife (whose post doesn't show up):
I am a Licentiate in Biotechnology with lots of experience in wetlab (molecular biology and microbiology). I am currently learning to program in C# and Python, looking for bioinformatics projects to join.
Location: London, UK
Remote: yes
Willing to relocate: not currently, but willing to travel
Technologies: Python, C#, Unity, R, Matlab (junior in all).
I'm looking to find a new challenge with a remote senior Ruby on Rails position.
My previous 9 year CTO / co-founder experience at a successful startup gives me a unique business and technologist skill set that would be of huge benefit to the right company.
Location: Whistler, BC
Remote: Only
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Ruby, Rails, MySQL, Redis, Git, PHP, Docker, React, HTML, Javascript, CSS.
Resume: http://bit.ly/299ggsf
Github: https://github.com/markedmondson
Email: hello@markedmondson.ca
Location: France
Remote: yes
Willing to relocate: no
Technologies: Javascript, React, Angular, Backbone, Symfony2, CSS, Vim
Résumé/CV: null
Email: jules.bous at gmail
Location: Seattle, WA
Remote: Possible
Willing to relocate: not right now
Technologies: Swift, IOS, Python, Java, C++, Scrum
Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheyojimenez
Email: cheyo ( at_] masters3d.com
I have a B.S and M.A and I am currently working on a M.S.E.
My goal is to get into tech management or mobile development but I am open to other tech opportunities.
My name is Anna and I am a Civil Engineer who now codes. I am currently looking for a Full Stack Web Development position where I can contribute to some great projects and learn a lot while doing it.
J programmer (co-designer of the DBMS Jd--see http://www.jsoftware.com/jdhelp/) and recent MS graduate looking to break into an industry that has actual jobs available. I have substantial experience working with low-level C, but am interested in general backend development.
Front-end web developer with experience throughout the stack. I make all kinds of goofy stuff: https://github.com/robotnoises
Location: Tallahassee, FL
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Not at this time
Technologies: JavaScript (Node, Angular, Electron/NW.js), .NET (C#)
Résumé/CV: upon request
Email: d.avenich at gmail
DevOps Engineer, Recently left my position looking for new challenges and opportunities in life. Full stack experience with automation and continuous deployment.
Location: Maryland
Remote: 50/50 preference. Onsite work is perfectly fine
Willing to Relocate: Eager, more than willing.
Location: Orange County, CA
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No, not at this time
Technologies: linux, git, shell, Ruby/Rails, Sidekiq, redis, PostgreSQL, C#, .NET, MS SQL, JavaScript, Lua, HTML, CSS
Résumé/CV: Available upon request
Email: scruple.hn at gmail.com
I've done quite a few different things in my career. Embedded systems, micros, healthcare web apps, backend services, APIs, desktop applications, linux sysadmin, and on and on. I've been full-time remote for the last ~3 years. I'm currently looking for full-stack web development positions (I still love and prefer Ruby but I'm open to anything). I'm also very interested in Elixir these days but do not have any professional experience at the moment.
* http://publish.saxo.com - publishing platform where anyone can publish e-books, and soon printed books (print on demand) and online courses.
* Intuit CPASelect - An online marketplace for tax experts. [Formerly Teaspiller, acquired by Intuit, now pivoted to another product]
* http://www.hypedsound.com - A platform for music artists to share their content from various networks.
I am a full stack developer, who's worked extensively with Python/Django. I also have a background in data science, scipy, numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, nltk etc.
Currently a team lead and founding engineer at a startup. I've been with the company over three years, looking to change things up!
I'm comfortable with full stack work in most languages, devops and infrastructure, I've done it all. If you have something interesting to do, I'm your person.
Location: Bay Area
Remote: Sure.
Willing to relocate: Maybe (Oregon or Washington only)
I develop Android apps for phones and tablets. I have published apps in the Google Play store and full life cycle software development experience. My Android development experience includes: product concept development, product design, project planning, research and development, algorithm development, programming, testing, debugging, publishing apps to the Google Play store and app maintenance.
I have 8 years of experience doing OS-level coding in the storage industry. I've dabbled in embedded on the low end and userspace / application development on the high end. I've worked remotely from New Zealand for a US-based company for about a year and have proven my effectiveness as a remote employee. Also completely keen for working locally with an Auckland company.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Elixir, AngularJS, HTML5, iOS and Android (native or Ionic), WordPress, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB. Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana. Docker.
Résumé/CV: I'm well versed in many technologies and software architecture. I can create teams of skilled professionals to suit the needs of customers. My resume at https://www.linkedin.com/in/pmontrasio
I'm a self-taught web developer looking to break into the field. My day job is teaching math, and I would be incredibly interested in any positions relevent to education. I am looking for an opportunity for an internship or full-time entry level position.
Expert level frontend and applications engineer with operations experience. Production experience with wide range of tools (JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Python, etc., popular frameworks for most languages, WordPress, etc.) and databases (SQL and NoSQL). I was the first engineer at an 80+ person thriving startup and helped to build most of the application's backend and UI. I like to solve problems and ship a great product for my clients.
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Remote: Yes, ideally
Willing to relocate: Yes, planning to get home to Denver
Technologies: Java (Spring), Python (Flask, Asyncio), Git, Heroku, AWS, Postgres, SQL Server (BackEnd preferred)
Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-rasband-a9315963
Email: matt.rasband (at) gmail [dot] com
I'm a Full Stack Engineer experienced with modern stacks including: React, Angular, Node, Express, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. I've built entire web apps from front-end to back-end and everything in between. I have a passion for creating beautiful, intuitive interfaces with clean, well-structured back-ends.
I am also a quick learner with a passion for new and emerging technologies.
Principal Engineer in Advertising/Big Data. Ensured that our data architecture can handle double digit growth rates to help out sales reach their revenue goals. Teared down walls between Operations and Engineering, driving cultural change to deliver better products. Working 100% remotely for the past few years. Looking for team lead/architecture position.
About me: I'm looking for opportunities as a full-stack or front-end engineer. Lately I've mostly been using React and Node. I enjoy product development, implementing great design and improving UX.
Enthusiastic generalist with two years of experience building customer-facing, production web applications. Interested in using modern development techniques to solve difficult problems. I have a particular interest in automation and facilitating ease of use both on the developer's and customer's side.
I always love to learn new and different technologies [0] in order to gain new perspectives on computer science and software development. I don't just skim some "learn x in y minutes" post about some new topic then slap it on my resume and call it a day. I like to derive a deep understanding and discover the best practices by reading books and creating projects.
I enjoy working on every aspect of the stack. For example, I can and will debug with GDB or write bindings if needed [1] but I also enjoy working with the rich front-end ecosystem, such as React.
While I do love to learn new and different technologies, I do it from a practical perspective of gaining new insights and potentially discovering a better tool for a given job. However, if I need to use something considered "boring" like Java for the job at hand, I'll do so without complaints—I don't get hung up on petty superficial details—and I'll do my best to make useful and lasting contributions with an eye towards solid software engineering and improving the team’s productivity.
I'm self motivated and very passionate about continuous improvement. Capable of seeing the big picture, providing a careful plan in the interim, you can rest easy knowing I'm on the case. I care deeply about quality and performance; I want to be proud of what is delivered. Please, let me know what opportunities await and how we'll create something magnificent!
Location: Portland, OR
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No, but will travel
Technologies: Go (Golang), Python, Django
Github: https://github.com/kyleterry
Résumé/CV: http://kyleterry.com/resume.html
Email: hiring@kyleterry.com
Front-end JS developer with design skills (Unicorn!) from the USA. Looking for contract work and short-term opportunities in reactive UI/UX design and front end dev.
Experienced Backend Engineer, love to do everything that happens on the server side, including architecture design, data modelling, business logic implementations and rollings this out.
Technologies: Linux, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Vagrant, HTML/CSS, bash/zsh, AWS, Docker, Git, SSH. I am currently learning JavaScript.
Résumé/CV: on request
Email: wyclif@gmail.com
I'm currently looking for entry-level or junior dev work. While I'm a generalist with both front and backend and will happily accept work on either end, I am most interested in DevOps and backend. I'm comfortable on the CLI and with vim, tmux, git, ssh, etc. I also have some sysadmin experience. Excellent soft skills, and I'm easily in the 99th percentile of English fluency and written communication. If you need good documentation, technical writing, or even web copy, I can definitely help you with that if you're willing to provide some mentoring and/or certification to help me improve my programming chops and technical development. I thrive on being a details guy and a quick learner. Shoot me a message—I'm hungry to level up.
Currently working as Android Developer in Tokyo and looking for an opportunity in the US, preferably in SF. I have almost 5 years experience in mobile development.
Technologies: Embedded C++, Embedded C, Python, Electronics (design, layout, prototyping, testing), 3D printing, electromechanical and robotic design and prototyping
Résumé/CV: Email if needed
Email: kliment at 0xfb.com (yes, with a zero)
IRC: Kliment on the freenode network
I do custom electronics, robotics, and embedded software development - I specialize in quickly turning ideas into prototypes. I've built custom automation equipment for chemistry labs, sensors that are in use in household/utility applications, control circuitry for construction equipment, 3d printing electronics, data acquisition equipment. No project too small. Few projects too large. Deep discounts for open source hardware work.
I would also be happy to come over (anywhere in Europe) and teach any of the above skills to a small group of interested people. I've taught courses in electronic assembly (SMD), 3d printing (building/using printers, iterative 3d model design using programming) and robot design and construction. I've taught courses at several universities, hackspaces, and conferences.
Remote: Yes, Prefer relocating as I want to explore new cultures
Technologies: mostly NodeJS, (also know Android/iOS app development, Frontend JS, Automation testing, Embedded) and about 10+ years of experience in corporate and startup circles
Resume: flipflopapp.com/files/NavalCV_short.pdf
Email: navalnovel at gmail dot com
Please find my corporate experience in my CV.
On the hobby side, I have recently been working on archiejs (https://github.com/archiejs) - its almost complete (for first review) and I am looking for reviewers. I have to write a bit more of demo app code and seek feedback from the community.
These days, I also like making/thinking about small apps, games, productivity ideas, etc.
I am new grad in CS and want to start a career abroad. I have been freelancing since 2010 mostly working on web apps. I made a Twitter tool when I was 17 and it's a hit with 200k+ users to this day (http://www.tweriod.com). I did an internship at a Berlin startup last summer. I'm good with JavaScript, both in front-end and back-end. Willing to learn new tech and move further down the stack.
I am open for new grad/junior/internship positions, in that order.
I'm currently a 4th year student specifically looking for a 12-month internship (can possibly combine shorter terms together). I'm a fullstack developer passionate about tech and collaborative success. I co-founded a Queen's University hackathon called QHacks (if you want more information about that as well, drop me a line!)
Android Developer for over three years, I have built several native Android apps, from event/location based social networks to video streaming clients.
I'm a 3rd year student at the University of Victoria looking for an internship of 4-12 months. My primary interests are mobile app dev (Android) and DevOps (AWS/Ansible). I started programming long before Uni so I have a lot of experience for a student. I'm a quick learner and always exploring new technologies. See my website for links to github and social media.
I'm ideally looking for an internship for the upcoming Fall semester. I'm more than willing to relocate! I'm a seasoned iOS developer with development experience dating back to iOS 5. Please shoot me an email if there are any opportunities you think I may be interested in.
Ideally looking for contracts or a position that gives me a chance to learn what I don't know. I have a ton of experience in python / django, and still quite a bit in other tech stacks as I like to try them all :)
Hey, I'm Evelyn!
I'm a front-end developer with UI design experience from Ontario (currently living in Amsterdam) looking to find a funky fresh career opportunity in Toronto, ON. Feel free to email me, I'd love to hear about open positions.
Hi there! I'm a recent graduate from the University of Kentucky with some professional experience. I'm on the hunt for my first full-time job! Shoot me an email!
I had 2 internships in the past and have participated in both Google Summer of Code and Google Code In. Other than this, I am self taught and need very little guidance to work. I am open to extend internship after 6 months if everyone is fine with it.
I'm James Creixems and I’m an UX designer & ?front-end developer with 12 years of experience. Throughout my professional experience, I’ve worked on project? & team? management,? front-end development (CSS3, HTML5 ?) and UX Design? ?(Wireframing, Interaction UI design for mobile / web apps).
Location: Greater Philadelphia Area, PA
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: C/C++, x86 assembly, Intel VT-x virtualization, system programming, Linux
Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/almuc0f3ntjthyu/Guminski%20Stephen.doc?dl=0
Email: steve.guminski@gmail.com
I enjoy working on low level code, both kernel and drivers. I have a wide range of experience in system code, including a boot loader, memory manager, processor performance monitor, virtualization, and Linux drivers.
Location: Bangalore, India
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: React, React Native, Node/Express, Webpack, Ruby on Rails, Elasticsearch
Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yashshah1
Email: mail@yashshah.com
I am full-stack developer experienced in modern technologies. Previously Worked on 4 startups wearing role from technology to marketing. Lately, I've mostly been using React and Node. I enjoy product development, implementing great design and improving UX.
I'm also very interested in Go these days but do not have any professional experience at the moment.
Hello, I've started to work with Java and Big Data in a smal startup 2 years ago. Started with very simple MySQL+Solr, 300+ million of documents system. Eventually got to HDFS + HBase + MapReduce + Solr, 23+ billion of documents in search at once (with more and more documents being added each second).
I'm excited by Java in general, multi-threading, Big Data and back-end development.
Location: New York, NY
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap
Familiar With: AngularJS, ReactJS, Python, Phaser
Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r9phyijw89pfwom/Jonathan%20Silvestri%20Resume.pdf?dl=0
Email: silvestrijonathan@gmail.com
Github: github.com/silvestrijonathan
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jonathansilvestri
I am a full stack software engineer who recently made the career switch into programming. I am an incredibly fast learner and am willing to work with just about any tech stack.
I graduated from MIT, founded 2 startups, and am currently a fulltime contractor based in NYC. I've helped companies take an idea from the concept stage all the way through deployment, fixed infrastructure/functionality-related technical debt on a live system, and joined understaffed projects to hit deadlines. Reach out if you think I might be helpful in any way.
Hi Hackernews! Celigo is continuing to grow, and we are also about to bring on a FT tech recruiter to work with anyone who might be interested in hearing about our opportunities:
Location: San Mateo, CA and Remote
Willing to relocate: Perhaps
Technologies: Object Oriented JavaScript, Server Side JavaScript, Node.js
Web Services (SOA) – SOAP / REST
Data Transport – Flat File / XML / JSON
Cloud Applications such as NetSuite, Salesforce, Amazon, Google, Magento, etc
GitHub: http://github.com/gmile (as of lately: small contributions to few Elixir libs, Phoenix and Elixir lang itself).
Worked on ~10 big and small Rails projects over the course of 6 years. Went on sabbatical for a few months to clean head from Ruby on Rails. Time has come for a change: willing to work on something using Elixir programming language. Ok to work using Phoenix framework, if needed be.
I like SQL and low level server stuff. Can do HTML/CSS/JS only if needed be.
Fluent spoken & written english. Degree in Applied Mathematics.
Workflow: Automated testing (unit tests, front-end tests, integration tests), version control, continuous integration incl. making use of staging environments.
Technologies: 10 years experience working with Microsoft technology stack. I have worked with following: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Azure, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, SQL, WPF, Visual Studio, TFS, ReSharper.
Location: Maidenhead, Slough, Reading, London
Contract: Yes
Permanent: No
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: 10 years experience working with Microsoft technology stack. I have worked with following: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Azure, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, SQL, WPF, Visual Studio, TFS, ReSharper.
Résumé/CV: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/1muhammadyahya
Email: muhammad.yahya@gmail.com
Several years' experience working remotely, focused on the back end but often needing to wear the generalist's hat. I'm interested in open source and getting away from pouring code into the black box of enterprise/government. Currently enjoying learning FP concepts, I try to keep up with continuous education.
Technologies: 14 years experience with a wide variety of tech - mostly Java, Scala, Python these days. Interested in learning Rust. I mostly focus on backend services. Docker/AWS, etc.
Experience working across the stack and am interested in joining a people-centric team! Love working in React and Node, writing tests, and delving into other backend languages.
Location: Bay Area, CA (South of South Bay)
Remote: Much Preferred.
Willing to relocate: unlikely but stranger things have happened.
Technologies: Javascript, Knockout/Backbone, Python, Django, variety of SQL/NOSQL databases (also PHP, some Ruby/Rails, I learn as project demands), IOS Objective-C, + more
Experience in full-stack development, mobile and game development. I am a generalist and work with and learn whatever I need for a project. Remote work is preferred, though I can work with a mix of remote/onsite in the bay area or remote with some travel.