" but the the court will cheerfully seize your assets that it can."
And how in the world would the courts do that? This is crytocurrencies we are talking about. The contracts I am talking about would be done anonymously between two people who have never met before, and have no chance in a million years of finding out who the other person is, or where they are. Thats the whole point!
I'm sure courts would love to confiscate all of the bitcoin donated to wikileaks or that is used to buy drugs on the internet. They've made a few high profile arrests and confiscations, but nothing on the scale of mass arrests of silk road customers, even though they would if they could.
Tumblers? Or even just transfer between crytpo currencies.
I even pulled a quote from your sources:
"Bitcoin “laundry services” do exist: Bitcoinlaundry, Bitmix, and Bitlaundry are several examples. Once you pass your money through such a service, it is much harder and almost impossible for law enforcement personnel to establish their origin."
And how in the world would the courts do that? This is crytocurrencies we are talking about. The contracts I am talking about would be done anonymously between two people who have never met before, and have no chance in a million years of finding out who the other person is, or where they are. Thats the whole point!
I'm sure courts would love to confiscate all of the bitcoin donated to wikileaks or that is used to buy drugs on the internet. They've made a few high profile arrests and confiscations, but nothing on the scale of mass arrests of silk road customers, even though they would if they could.