Hi, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Will take your questions into account for the next interview.
Regarding the UX/etc, is is that bad? Any suggestions to improve? I'm not sure if the ycombinator is that much better to be honest, but I might be missing something, and I'm open for improvements!
> why no mention of python? seems strange than any modern programmer to leave it out.
Maybe because Andy Hunt was more into Ruby than into Python. Not every modern programmer uses Python. From practical point of view Ruby and Python are similar scripting languages. Python has an edge only if you need NumPy, SciPy.
Spoke with him in the early days of his company about an order. Very chill guy and Pragmatic Programmer has had as much effect on me as I work day by day as any book.
I look at the book as a benchmark on how far along you are in the programming journey. I'm fond of saying young coders will agree with 50% of the book and reject the rest. But the more experience they get the more they agree with it.
I've re-read it a few times and still disagree with 2% of it so I guess that is good as it means I still have room to grow;<).
Just such a joy to write both syntactically and conceptually.
I wrote C to get through school. I wrote PHP to hack CRUD web apps. I write JS because it's ubiquitous and I'm required to. I write Elixir because I love to do it.
Elixir's syntax is much easier compare to Erlang's prolog inspired syntax.
I think anybody coming from any C inspired language would take Elixir over Erlang imo. Sure Erlang is a small language but the hump is much higher to get over the syntax than in Elixir.