Why don't we get all the rejected companies that haven't launched yet and make it our goal to launch on the same day as the accepted ones? There are way more of us right? I have an extra $1000 for publicity. Who's in?
I've launched but would support/fly-out to a reject event...
We get a space together and maybe present startups and then have a little party? Host our own demo day and make some type of support network for contacts and trying out each other's products?
Great idea. I'm in. Rejected for like the 5th time. The rejections get easier to take. I think the 3 months hence launch date is doable. It's useful to have it to work towards.
YnotC. Kind of clever. What about CYnot. Like !YC but backwards. Flip it and reverse it. We're distancing ourselves, making it our own, inverting the establishment.
Agree. That's workable. But at the same time, the definition by opposition is unavoidable...As your post said "Rejects unite". That's a powerful force to tap (underdogs, rebels, force against the system/establishment, disruptors). It may move beyond that in time but pooling the rejected is a good firestarter. So a name that doesn't get ahead of itself but capitalizes on this works.
Demo Club/Day, Pitch Prep, S17, S17 Demo Day, S17 Open Demo Day
I wouldn't go crazy with the name and branding. Let's keep the goals/expectations reasonable and humble. The important thing is that we get together, share our ideas, practice our pitches, and get good feedback. It's an open opportunity that gives people a goal to work towards for the summer and a way to possibly connect with like-minded founders. Right now we're just gauging the interest and thinking how we could make an awesome event. If people love it, we keep going--if not, no harm done, we have a good time with a small group. Let the idea mature a bit, breath, go through the paces...
Sure, but brand and name can be very very important. And mission and direction is important to get right at the start for any group to know its purpose. Unless you expect it to emerge on its own adhocraticly. Which of course it could do...but maybe it's a risk to leave it unspecified. And rebel rejects is a powerful force to tap.
And I get if you don't want to align with that brand. We'll try to be inclusive but we got to preserve our roots, right? Lest we end up becoming the thing we are rebelling against :)
- Demo day: 10-min pitches, treat it as the real deal
- Audience can fill out feedback cards
- Organize guaranteed user feedback networks(from i.e. at least five other startups)
- Party/network afterwards and celebrate our launch day/commitment to keep pushing!
Yes I like it a lot! And I think it would be easy to book a meeting hall at a hotel that could be used for everything. Especially easy for those coming in from out of town.
An event seems silly, plus or company has launched and is making 5k profit monthly, so the issue is far deeper than we realize. How about this. lets post about our company and try to find some kinds of patterns on why?
ROCK ON! Yes please! There is a huge chance that we could be in Boston at that time though. Please email me! Heck here is my cell; let's keep in touch. (505) 415-5906. Everyone else, please don't spam, thank you!
We got a video interview last week which seemed like a good sign, but then came the rejection letter today. I was just thinking about setting up a post-demo day event for us rejects and found this thread. I'm glad to see others had the same idea. We are actually going with our original plan to move to California from Europe despite the rejection. We would be very interested in connecting and helping to organize such an event. I like your idea to call it YnotC or similar as the brand will get attention. Domain name ynotc.co is available. Who is taking the lead on this?
For the event to get good PR, it would need to include some of the companies who either got a video interview last week but no in-person interview or the companies which got an invite to interview but don't get through the final round. Those companies are obviously strong companies if they were selected for an interview. But those results won't be out for another couple weeks.