Eh, I think what they really need are just example pages. It's fine if marketing material is aspirational, after all this person is going after real estate agents, not home buyers.
The problem is, if we can't see the the whole page, we don't know if the page displays more info than what's in the screenshot when we scroll down. Turns out, there's not much, at least in the sample page that another user created, so maybe that's why you didn't show more.
So I have friends who spend about 1/2 million dollars monthly on digital marketing driving traffic to landing pages. This product "sounds" exactly like what they need and I thought "let me forward this link." Then I see no demo or screenshots, my next thought "perhaps I shouldn't."
Why only do real estate? Why not do landing pages for simple physical products, enterprise SaaS software or mobile apps. Real question though what do people actually use for the above ?
Real estate is a good target because developers will frequently crank out a new website for each new development, which will be used for six months or a year until the units are sold, then mothballed. The requirements of such a site are well defined and simple, and the short lifespan means there's no point in spending much money on them. Still, they have to look like money.
Source: developed real estate websites for several years.
Apart from Kluny's points, focusing on a single niche makes things easier in the beginning. It's better to be THE landing page builder for Real Estate than one among hundreds of general landing page builders.
I'm hoping to expand this to other markets too. Everyone needs fast, beautiful landing pages. Real estate is a market i'm intimate with, so i'd figure its a good start
The terms of service are way (really, way!) too complicated for such a simple product.
(And, by the way, there must be a million other free services which allow one to put some images and text on the web, so why choose this one? The landing page should really explain that. And it should include some demos at least.)
The ToS covers all bases now, so that when i start adding more features it does not need to be updated.
I'm hoping to take a small bite of the landing page market by making it crazy easy for people (real estate for now) to make sites. I could never hope to compete with Instapage or Unbounce, not yet anyways ;)
I get that that's a problem, but when trying to get a MVP out fast and validate an idea I think privacy policies & TOS' seem like a formality that will be figured out later if the business does actually happen to become profitable. Correct me if I'm wrong?
You are wrong. You shouldn't put legal terms or policies on your site if you don't understand the legal ramifications of doing so, and how it will influence your business.
Not really new, we've been working on this for 2 years... But yeah, good luck! Real estate is a pretty hard market to crack, but there's money to be had there.
The abrasive swipe in your comment means that it breaks the HN guidelines, especially for Show HNs. There's no call for that, so please don't do it. I'm sure you could find a way to phrase the substantive part thoughtfully if you wanted to.
As someone who is looking for property to buy... I would not use landing pages like this. I want a fully-fledged search engine that I can filter to my requirements.
Have you talked to any realtors (your primary market?) about this?
You could use it to save people the trouble of filling out all the details for their property - they just provide the url for the property on a portal site that is supported and you import the details from there.