The domain under discussion is scripting and specifically comparisons with Bash. Python 3 has not achieved anywhere close to the platform deployment that Python 2.7 has. When the common OS distributions you're likely to need to script on ship with Python 3 as the default rather than python 2.7, we can start using Python 3 in random comparisons with shell scripts. Until then, Python 2.7 is the language for comparison no matter what rhetoric you want to employ.
Most distros ship with python3 (though `python` will refer to python2).
Is there a reason you cannot just say `#!/usr/bin/env python3` in your scripts? I don't see why you require python3 to be the default, am I missing something here?
The first OS I've used that includes Python3 in the base install is Debian 8(Jessie) and I no longer use Debian in production. CentOS 7 does not include Python3 in the base install. You can install it, sure, but why bother when you can just use the python that is already there? Or better yet, /bin/bash...
Again, in the context of this discussion, the whole argument is yet another point in shell's favor. There's no major backwards-incompatible change in the language. With Bash, you just decide whether POSIX compliance is something you need, and that's basically it. Both versions are still supported and no one interrupts discussions to announce that beatings will continue until morale improves whenever the deprecated version of Python comes up.