2.X would still be included as an optional package, correct? I couldn’t determine that from the link, but it seems like RedHat’s practice. Or, they could install it from source.
If so, 2.X users still have two years or so to migrate. That’s plenty of time in my opinion, even when all of your code is 2.X. There’s even a library for it.[1]
> 2.X would still be included as an optional package, correct?
I wouldn't bet on a RedHat provided 2.7 package. if they provide it, they will be stuck maintaining it, and their long term support contracts are very long term.
On the python side - From 2020-01-01 no commits will land on the 2.7 branch. RH is still supporting RHEL 4, which was released in 2005, and supported 3 from 2003 -> 2014, which (if they keep a similar timescale for RHEL 8) could cause them to try and maintain a working build / test / development system for py27 for an extra 10 years.
If so, 2.X users still have two years or so to migrate. That’s plenty of time in my opinion, even when all of your code is 2.X. There’s even a library for it.[1]
[1] https://docs.python.org/2/library/2to3.html