Comparing the situation in Eastern Germany to North Korea is a bit of a stretch to put it mildly. I don't know first-hand how bad it is in NK, but I grew up in the GDR. Even the worst Stasi actions are most likely tamer than a normal day in North Korea (family members and friends ended up in jail for weeks or months for attempting to escape to the West, but I guess if the same happened in North Korea it's not done with a bit of jail time).
Most Stasi snitches (IMs) didn't need much 'encouragement' by the Stasi, most did it for purely egoistical reasons (money or favours).
>Even the worst Stasi actions are most likely tamer than a normal day in North Korea
as reported in doubtful articles and by sources with reasons to put some spice on their stories (e.g. to have them celebrated and promoted as heroic defectors as opposed to run of the mill immigrants).
Most Stasi snitches (IMs) didn't need much 'encouragement' by the Stasi, most did it for purely egoistical reasons (money or favours).