This won't happen unless you have a huge traffic which usually should translate to revenues that can support it. There is nothing wrong with services that you use to generate profits but have to pay for. Services like maps with 99% coverage of the world takes enormous amount of efforts over many years of sweat by very talented team. I know of countries where government wasn't able to produce good maps for decades but Google was. Currently while I travel, I very heavily rely on Google Maps. It's a pretty amazing service and I have paid more for stupid Angry Bird.
100 users hitting 10 pages a day = 1000 map loads a day. 1000 map loads a day * 30 days = 30000 map loads which is over the "free" amount. This assumes NO api calls at all, only map loads.
This change will affect all apps that have any sort of actual user base. I think you may be underestimating the how quickly you can go through API calls even without many users.
While I understand they want to make money, giving developers 30 days to now pay 40x what they paid before is ridiculous.
> This won't happen unless you have a huge traffic which usually should translate to revenues that can support it.
For a B2B product where every user/visitor pays a high fee, sure. However, for a consumer website that is either ad-supported, or where a small percentage of visitors pays a low fee, this is definitely not true. The new pricing is insanely expensive.