Cant say i feel sorry for the people who chose to be enslaved to interfaces. Information technology will continue to expand into human life more and more, whether you are prepared or not.
In my experience with kids, it's not a choice. It's mostly poor kids who have this problem. Their family doesn't have a PC, and an old/cheap smartphone is the way they access the Internet.
Yeah definitely. A phone is considered much more necessary for basic functioning in a modern society - whereas the computer is a little 'extra'. Naturally poorer people only invest in the more basic, cheaper thing.
I believe projects like Raspberry Pi were attempts to mitigate this issue too. Hopefully they gain more traction in society at large.
Well that's some of what it's doing now but originally it was for A Level students to get real experience in the two years of school before they went to university.
And A level students in STEM subjects are not typically from poor backgrounds.
I disagree with this. I work as a teacher at a secondary school. Even the wealthier kids, the ones who I know have computers at home, and often their own laptops that they bring to school, can't use a keyboard to save their life. They're always impressed at how fast I can type (I learned from playing MUDs way too much when I was their age) without errors and how I know all the keyboard shortcuts and such.