I’ve been in public service for decades, so I know a thing or two about choosing idealism over money
Even here, different people in different situations might see this as either choosing idealism over money or the opposite.
I hear the Danish public service is good. Here though (ireland) the public service has a name for meaningless jobs with good conditions. This may be a self fullfiling prophecy.
Sometimes the differences can get abstract.
I watched an interview while back with coalition soldiers and mercenaries. Soldiers are generally seen as self sacrificing patriots. Mercenaries as greedy assholes. But, both are being paid and they do the same job in the same war and take orders from the same place.
Ultimately, a lot of this comes down to perspective.
Even here, different people in different situations might see this as either choosing idealism over money or the opposite.
I hear the Danish public service is good. Here though (ireland) the public service has a name for meaningless jobs with good conditions. This may be a self fullfiling prophecy.
Sometimes the differences can get abstract.
I watched an interview while back with coalition soldiers and mercenaries. Soldiers are generally seen as self sacrificing patriots. Mercenaries as greedy assholes. But, both are being paid and they do the same job in the same war and take orders from the same place.
Ultimately, a lot of this comes down to perspective.