Is it though? I tried to find a source for your claim but came up with inconclusive studies, at best. Do you have any sources for this or is it just a well known myth?
No. That's an extrapolation protein blocking calcium absorption. But unless you eat fake American dairy products like yogurt or "American cheese", there tends to be protein in that cheese.
Incidentally, oxalic acid found in spinach also blocks calcium. Also beans and such have similar effect.
American cheese and yogurt have significant protein. American-produced fat free Greek yogurt particularly is high in protein.
You may be thinking of Velveeta and Kraft Singles but they don’t qualify by the FDA to be called processed cheese, they’re a cheese product. But even they have significant protein, albeit less.
I'm definitely not an expert on Jewish law (my exposure to it is through reading Leviticus as a Christian). I suppose it's possible that the reason changed over time. However, now that I think about it the health reasons that others have pointed out seem to make more sense. Especially since I would presume that a cow wouldn't have the intelligence to actually be concerned about the precise manner in which you eat it.
Of course not, but rituals that survive probably have some kind of objective survival value, so it's reasonable to try to figure out what these ancient food taboos origin really are.
For example, shell fish were probably or average unhealthy to eat back in the day. So claiming God commanded The People to not eat it was the FDA implementation of its time.