I really don't know what to say to you if you think "status quo" is inflammatory vocabulary. And I never said anything about suggestions from the media. You are mixing fact based news with opinion based news. You can be informed by ignoring opinion based news, but you still need fact based news to have an educated opinion on an issue.
The problem is not jargom, it is tone. If we criticize the ideas instead of the people we can reach an understanding. But by using "you" it becomes more personal and more inflammatory.
And, so what percent of the contemporary news media would you suggest is "fact based" and what percent would you suggest is "opinion based"? Keep in mind that opinion based does not simply mean the article begins under the section "opinion". Articles on issues that are littered with opinions are, in effect, opinion based. One other important nuance here is that while the existence of a quote may be a fact, if it expresses an opinion - it similarly adds little more than opinion to an article.