It's almost as if guaranteeing loans to for for profit institutions which receive the money that is printed out of thing air is going to exacerbate social inequality!
Don't get me wrong, 18 year olds are generally stupid (I was at that age), but blaming them seems like the kind of thing the profiteers from this mess would want. It's also not a very logical position. It's almost as if this type of idea would be something a propagandist would want to disseminate.
I think we’re on the same page here. To really stretch an analogy, if I were to leave a taser with a small child they shouldn’t taser themselves, but I’m clearly (and Unironically) the asshole for giving them the taser.
Don't get me wrong, 18 year olds are generally stupid (I was at that age), but blaming them seems like the kind of thing the profiteers from this mess would want. It's also not a very logical position. It's almost as if this type of idea would be something a propagandist would want to disseminate.