> I wouldn't compare that era with the current one
When it comes to housing stock these past gov policies and local private+public development grants can have a long term impact on any city well beyond any decade.
The various building/zoning/etc policies are often long lasting: Prior land use could have been terribly inefficient from some half-failed social housing project, left to arson/deterioration of perfectly good buildings in Harlem in the 80s due to rent control and impossible-to-evict tenants not allowing renovations on the building. Plenty of middle-class & wealthy people keeping (now) expensive apartments under rent-control, reducing new development appropriate for that market and taking stock and taxes/income the area. Prior low-density developed areas can be locked down for decades due to elderly and other single-family homeowners staying for long periods of time. The well-covered complete lack of development of anything in-between a single-family houses and condo/office highrises in most cities also for decades. Etc, etc.
There's plenty of legacy decisions keeping housing expensive and highly inefficient.
When it comes to housing stock these past gov policies and local private+public development grants can have a long term impact on any city well beyond any decade.
The various building/zoning/etc policies are often long lasting: Prior land use could have been terribly inefficient from some half-failed social housing project, left to arson/deterioration of perfectly good buildings in Harlem in the 80s due to rent control and impossible-to-evict tenants not allowing renovations on the building. Plenty of middle-class & wealthy people keeping (now) expensive apartments under rent-control, reducing new development appropriate for that market and taking stock and taxes/income the area. Prior low-density developed areas can be locked down for decades due to elderly and other single-family homeowners staying for long periods of time. The well-covered complete lack of development of anything in-between a single-family houses and condo/office highrises in most cities also for decades. Etc, etc.
There's plenty of legacy decisions keeping housing expensive and highly inefficient.